i believe in myself! (i hope that counts)

Jul 10, 2004 15:06

The Application



Age: 17 come augest

Sexual Preference: bisexual

Where you live: Northampton, Massachusettes.


Movie: The Matrix (3-1-2 in that order) and a beautiful mind

Book: oh jeesh.. no way can i pick one. well, im a scifi/fantasy freak, so ill go with Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein, Dune by Frank Hurbert, and The Chronicals of Amber by Roger Zelazny AND A Breif History of Time by Steven Hawking because it's the most readable book of its type ive ever read.

Band/Artists/Music Group: w00t, hardcore rock and metal. Metallica, Led Zepplin, Tool, and Weezer :D hey at least im diverse, right?

Author: joy n 'arpieness, that'd be Robert A Heinlein. read planet = good

\*Opinion Questions (these answers had better be more than 3 sentences)*

~What is your stand on abortion? I am pro-choice and you had better believe i'll fight for it. pregnancy and abortion have been a real factor in my life and the life of my friends (aka not me but those close to me), so im well versed in my opinions and motivations. my body, my right.

~Given the opportunity, would you choose the gender of your un-born child? No I would not. although im an advocate of furthering research in genetic engineering and biotechnology, i'll leave my baby's gender to fate. actually, im the mad scientist type (it LIVES!!!), but technology thus far is flawed and risky. my baby = no risks.

~How do you feel about same sex relationships (do you mean marrige)? 3 sentences? i wrote three papers on this during school. maybe someday ill post one in here. let me sum it up: it has been proven by multiple medical and psychological boards (ill cite them if you like) that one is born gay, or with gay tendencies. the Constitution of our controversial country claims that all men are born equal. a=b, b=c, a=c to all you bigots. ::takes a deep breath:: normally im a very low key person, no animosity at all. but woe on the person who argues homosexuality with me.. im not tolerant of ignorence.

~What do you think could be done to help lessen the amount of people in poverty in the U.S.? I think that in order to signifigantly lessen the amount of poverty in this country, the entire national policy must be revamped. but also, i remind everyone that the economy is in a slump right now. this is because the workings of economies are mathmatically periodical. true, unemployment is up, but it could be worse (and may come to be). plus, many northamericans need a good kick int eh butt when it comes to national pride. we're not omnipotent you know..


~If you could switch lives with a celebrity for a week, who would it be and why? im not particularly into the whole celebrity thing, but i'd switch with david beckham or mia hamm. beckham=europe whoohoo! mia hamm=nomar woohoo! oh and i'd get to play a little soccer ; ) (btw im obsessed with soccer. to disguesting lengths.)

~What do you think happens after death?.. ive recently done some soul searching to answer this question. unfortunatly, im not done yet. so far ive figured that im no longer athiest, but agnostic. i believe in heaven because ive lost loved ones and i cant stand any possibility other than the one where i will see him again eventually. other than that, im rational.

~How much money do you need to have a happy life? some would argue none, but upper working class people i think are the most content. enough to be comfortable, but not too much to make you greedy. personally, im middle working class. i have friends all over the spectrum though. just reporting my observations..

~Do you have any phobias? not typical ones. i like snakes and hights. im not a homophobe in the least, nor do i consider myself destructivly prejudiced (you cant not be prejudiced entirely, you wouldnt really be able to function). oh, but im not too cool with bugs. err im a little guy-phobic. i could be worse though.

*Because I’m Curious*

~Where did you find out about this community? friends comment section

~Do you have confidence in yourself? im like an ogre, i have layers. 1st layer-confident    2nd layer-not very confident     3rd layer-incredibly confident     4th layer- not confident    i dont deal with my 4th layer very often.

~Do you believe you’re a good candidate for this community? depending on what it's all about. if its about sharing opinions and talking about intelligent topics, then totally. if it's a place to gripe about how shitty my day was and oh my gawd my bf cheated on me, then no thanks.

~Where did you promote us to? (3 LJ users, show links here)i dont know how :-\. teach me and ill be on it in a flash! but when i do, i dont intend to post in the journals of people i know because i havent come out to the majority of my freinds.

im on vacation right now so i cant get at my pics. Sorry!! i have a couple of really good ones too : p

theyll be up in about an week


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