I believe in me

Jul 31, 2004 00:18


Name: Tara

Age: 18

Sexual Preference: As straight as it gets

Where you live: Melbourne, Australia


  • Pulp Fiction
  • Trainspotting
  • The Fifth Element
  • Fight Club
  • The Emperor's New Groove
  • Life is Beautiful
  • The Ring
  • The Exorcist
and the list doesn't end there...

Book: Asking me to choose a favourite book is like asking a mother to tell you which child she loves the most. Well, probably not as extreme, but you see my point. Having said that:
Harry Potter (yes I know this is *everyone’s* favourite now, but these books are popular for a reason) and mostly anything by Stephen King, John Grisham, Bryce Courtenay (April Fool's Day, The Power of One, argh, ANYTHING!), and Flowers in the Attic by VC Andrews was intriguing.

Band/Artists/Music Group:
  • Alex Lloyd
  • silverchair
  • Beach Boys
  • Beatles
  • The Monkees
  • The Black Eyed Peas
  • Everclear (think a few years+ back, not so much now)
  • Radiohead
  • The Cat Empire (awesome Aussie band)
  • The Avalanches
Author: Bryce Courtenay

*Opinion Questions (these answers had better be more than 3 sentences)*

~What is your stand on abortion?
I am 100% against abortion. I believe that it is murder, and murder is wrong. Therefore, abortion is wrong. I am well aware of a lot of the arguments supporting the pro-choice stance, such as situations of rape. But even if a girl is raped and she does fall pregnant, it's not the baby's fault. This yet-to-be-born child doesn't deserve to have his or her life terminated just like that. It deserves a chance at life, and it deserves to be loved.

Of course, anyone could look at me and accuse me of living in a dream world, and not knowing how things really are for someone who's pregnant and doesn't want the baby. They'd be right. I don't know. Those situations are more complex then I could ever know, unless it ever were to happen to me. But I still stand by what I say.

~Give your opinion (good or bad) about one reality show.
Extreme Makeover -- I'm a bit torn between two sides on this one. On one hand I think that people should learn to be happy with who they are and shouldn't have to dramatically alter their bodies like that. Then on the other hand I watch the show and many of these people have gone through their entire lives self-conscious and never being comfortable with their bodies. If having an Extreme Makeover makes them feel better, then I say go for it. It's their body, it's their choice and congratulations if they gain confidence.

~How do you feel about same sex relationships?
I'm fine with the people -- the gays and lesbians -- I'd love them just as much as I'd love any other person. But being a Christian, I believe that homosexuality is a sin... so this means that I'm against same-sex relationships. I find that it's a difficult stance to take but a stance I must take nevertheless, even if I can't rebut everyone's arguments.

What do you think could be done to help lessen the amount of people in poverty in the U.S.?
Gosh, I don't know. I live in Australia. The poverty cycle is so hard to break though. The rich always get richer and the poor always get poorer. I'm studying Macroeconomics this semester at university so maybe I'll have a better answer in a few months.


~If you could switch lives with a celebrity for a week, who would it be and why?
Maybe a supermodel like Gisele Bundchen or Adriana Lima just to see how it feels like to be so famously known for being beautiful. And to see if a model's life is really that hard. And to wear all those gorgeous clothes and look stunning in them, hah. Call me shallow. :)

~What do you think happens after death?
I believe in the whole heaven or hell thing. Love and accept Jesus into your life => heaven. Otherwise => hell. It's as simple as that for me.

~How much money do you need to have a happy life?
Enough money so that you have everything you need, and maybe a little extra just in case. Enough so that you can manage all your finances and expenditure without having to stress about bills and whatnot. But is that to say that poor people can't live a happy life? Definitely not, naturally anyone can be happy but it might be harder if one is constantly worrying about paying the rent or other bills, and getting food and all the other neccessities, especially if supporting a family. In any case, no one will ever live a happy life 100% of the time. C'est pas possible.

~Do you have any phobias?
I'm scared of all those creepy crawlies -- spiders, cockroaches, etc. I have a bit of a road-crossing paranoia too, as well as an intense fear of things crawling into my ears. And yes, I'm a baby, but I'm scared of the dark. I don't like not knowing what's in my path and what I'm about to touch.

*Because I’m Curious*

~Where did you find out about this community?
Someone spammed it to my in my journal.

~Do you have confidence in yourself?
Depends on what I'm doing, but generally I'm quite confident but without being cocky.

~Do you believe you’re a good candidate for this community?
I wouldn't be applying otherwise.

~Where did you promote us to? (3 LJ users, show links here)


Please post at least 3 pictures of yourself. As long as you are in at least two, they are fine.

Waiting for my hair to dry one night.

My last year of high school... The Formal. Woo. ...

When I went skiing with my boyfriend and a couple of other friends, just last week. I look awful here because we had to wake up at 4:30am (yes, A.M.!), drive 3 hours, and ski. I have hat hair, bags under my eyes and dry skin. Yeeeeeeeurk. But I thought I'd show it to you anyway :D

My 18th.

Now you'd think those'd be enough, but in case I didn't win you over with those, here's baby pic (tee hee):

What a try-hard model I was!

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