Dec 05, 2004 15:20
That was so not kool. I went to bed with them then when I woke up they weren’t there!!! I swear I really hope I didn’t swallow them cuz that’s seriously not kool. Lol ill live rite? Oh jaz im srry!!! We cant be sisters-in-law no more, I think, cuz I was telling jess bout this guy who came to my church last wk who I thought was danny that’s y I asked u how his hair was and wut not. But its not danny!! Oh gurl, he sat in front of me and my bro said that he was starin and talked to him bout me. holler!! Oh he is sooo cute and my mom look at his butt. She said look at where his pants r. and she made me look to I didn’t mind, but we were in church so I feel kinda bad…..but not really. but jay is still my boo!! Lol hehe!!! Im soo bad. lol how was jess’ party? Details!!!! I will visit yall in lunch. Im saddened by me not ridin the train. How will we live that’s my favorite part of the day. But yes we will survive. Oh I think im getting my license in December durin the break, so imma give jaz and jess a ride!! Oh its gonna be great!!! My mom is seriously pmsin, fist she went off on my stepdad which I don’t balme her. Then on Joshua and that was like omg noooo then nick then on me. I argued cuz I kno she aint tell me to do wut she wanted and she sayin she did. I got the last word. Lol!! Well I must go now we r gonna decorate the outside with lights how exciting!!! Lol ttyl. Lyl xoxo!!