it's the lobster of love.

Feb 13, 2005 23:15

so i just had dinner with EVERYone from work. we won some money and they thought spending it on horrible food would be the best way to go! way to go! i didn't expect much, they had four tables instead of one big one but some people were being table sluts so we all got a little of everyone. i told the people i was sitting with the story of my old nick name, hed. and yeah a table full of men is not the best bunch to tell that one to. they laughed a lot. i laughed cause it wasn't funny. we all laughed a little more. i guess i don't dislike those people as much as i thought. no, i do. i'm going job hunting, seriously this time.

eric and i went to walmart. i wanted target but the bastards close at 9 on sundays. god it's like 2005 who the hell cares if it's sunday! anyway, there selection sucked something awful. but i made it work. i found some candy and after looking forever a decent zebra stripped bag. i wanted a teddy bear but there was like cute little lobster that was screaming at me to take him home. so i did. this is for kent for v-day, if you were wondering. he won't get it till tomorrow! so he better not read this! yeah. the lobster of love. the check out bitch totally didn't get the joke. i was like "he's the lobster of love" and hes like "we'll there you go!" and i was like "WHAT?" and she was like "your total is $15.68" and i was like "but its the lobster of love?!"
i guess she didn't fall under his spell cause she still made me pay for it all. lames!

anyway. i'll post v-day pictures tomorrow. mostly of the lobster. he's hott. and love.
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