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scalpedsociety July 15 2013, 20:06:56 UTC
Before the 'Session' even began, Aramat sent out a note to her dearest 'Brother' written in her trademark scrawl:

Meet me in my room tonight. I may have a surprise for you.


Note: Do not touch or make any sudden noises around the present until I say it's fine. You might scare it off.

Tsuzuki may hear the door open and close, then hear the sound of something sitting next to him.

"You were obedient..." Aramat murmurs.


cute_shinigami July 15 2013, 20:49:34 UTC
That will likely be the hardest order for someone as verbose as Muraki, but he'll be awaiting his dear sister, patiently, lounging in an armchair, awaiting her arrival.

Tsuzuki turns his head toward Aramat's voice. "Yeah -- err, yes, Mistress," then tilting his head as if he could look down at himself, he adds, "I wasn't sure where you wanted me, so... I hope this is the right pose?"


scalpedsociety July 17 2013, 21:34:07 UTC
We're getting that Muraki might be in the other room, as Aramat comes in, typist allowing she'll kiss him and put a finger to her lips: the universal signal of 'silence'.

When she gets there and greets Tsuzuki, she'll lay a gentle hand upon his cheek. "It was my fault for not giving direction about that. But you did well." She'll smirk a bit a him.

"I have plans for everything else though."


cute_shinigami July 17 2013, 21:46:37 UTC
"Well, ah, I'm at your disposal, whatever you have planned, Mistress," he says, letting her lead him where she will.

"So, ah, who's the second owner you mentioned? Lady friend of yours?" he asks, innocently. Forgetting his place a bit.

Muraki, on the other hand, will look up, his jaw dropping, but he'll be careful not to make another sound. He'll quickly recover from his shock, lifting his jaw and giving Aramat a smirk of pleasure and appreciation: she's got him trained, but he was a willful sort...


scalpedsociety August 27 2013, 18:29:20 UTC
"That..." She will pull Tsuzuki's head back by his hair.

"Is none of your business, you do trust your mistress do you not?"

This typist does wonder sometime if a white collar is needed for a pair...


cute_shinigami August 28 2013, 06:53:06 UTC
He'll squeak on being grabbed, and she'll feel him quiver. "Ye-yes, Mistress, I just got curious," Tsuzuki splutters, feeling a warmth starting to spread down his neck and down his spine.

Muraki, on the other hand, carefully lowers his feet to the floor, rising, keeping his movements as quiet as possible, though his robe might rustle a bit. He's smirking, with an utter vicious delight, but he'll keep a distance at this point, happy to observe for the moment.

For these two, a collar of braided leather in two colors might be in order...


scalpedsociety August 28 2013, 17:57:44 UTC
We might be sure to note that later on...

Aramat might gently stroke his hair at his reply. "That's a good boy..." The other hand may stroke his jaw as she asks:

"I might give you a bit of a hint then, because you humor me so... the person in question is very skilled in tying knots. Better than I, in fact. So I brought my teacher in to tutor me in the arts. You'll be our living subject." She smirks back at Muraki as she says this.

"Of course, Tsu-Tsu, you do need to warm up before then. These knots do put the body in quite of a bind."


cute_shinigami August 29 2013, 04:57:31 UTC
"You don't mean rope bondage?" he asks, his voice cracking a bit with surprise. He'll clear his throat. "Ahh, whatever pleases you, Mistress," he replies, sounding more fittingly submissive.

Muraki might pace closer, carefully, trying not to get too close so that his scent, and he'll mouth, 'you couldn't have chosen better' at Aramat.


scalpedsociety September 3 2013, 16:19:08 UTC
"Don't be nervous Tsu-Tsu... my Teacher is an expert." She reassures him with a kiss.

"You or him?" She mouths back to Muraki, with a coy smirk.

Living the YnM Fangirls dream, yes she is.


cute_shinigami September 9 2013, 06:12:21 UTC
His lips might part under hers, quivering, but he doesn't venture any further than that.

Breaking the kiss, he replies, "Okay, you know them better than I do." His body might relax a bit. "Do with me as you wish, Mistress," he adds, yielding, the quiver becoming one of anticipation and arousal, as well as nerves.

Muraki smirks at Aramat. Him, he's perfect, he mouths to her.


scalpedsociety September 10 2013, 02:57:44 UTC
She comes close to him, still clad in a silken robe. For Muraki's visual benefit, she lets down her hair. A drawer might be heard opening...

Aramat looks at the various tools before her and is... rather aghast (and strangely filled with a warmth she can't explain) at the sort of things she has. (After all, her memory isn't all the way returned yet.) Razor sharp knives, flogs with metal at the ends, what looks to be a saddle with a bridle and even a branding tool with an intricate 'A' shape. Still, she looks up and mouths to Muraki:

'You choose the starting tools...'


silvereyedphage September 10 2013, 03:22:03 UTC
Tsuzuki might turn his head in the direction of the sound, emitting a soft, inquisitive "Hm?" But wisely, he remains otherwise quiet.

Muraki eyes the drawers of implements of torture or pleasure, relative as to which end one is on. A smirk crosses his face and he leans in, stroking his chin. Decisions, decisions...

He resists a "Hmmmm...." of his own, then points to the knives. "The blades..." The very notion inspires him....


scalpedsociety September 12 2013, 00:28:09 UTC
Before she gets them out, Aramat gives Tsuzuki an order.

"Lie down on your back and don't move. If you do, I won't warn you when it comes."

Aramat looks at the blades with a slight bit of hesitation, but takes one up anyway. She turns it over in her hand, letting it glisten in the light.

She's unsure about how to feel, this urge she can't explain just keeps rising and she don't really know what to do with it or about it.


cute_shinigami September 14 2013, 01:59:20 UTC
"Oh-okay," Tsuzuki stutters. Clearing his throat, he says, "Yes, Mistress." And he'll lie down on the bed, obligingly.

Muraki watches with a hopeful patience; this could be a tipping point for Aramat, and he hopes that it could guide her onto a twilit path, rather than into the darkness again.


scalpedsociety September 16 2013, 00:26:16 UTC
She turns over and mouths something to Muraki. 'Kazu... come here."

If he gets close she'll try to whisper as lowly as possible to him.


silvereyedphage September 16 2013, 00:40:39 UTC
Muraki leans in close to her, his ear close to her mouth, one hand on the bedpost to steady himself. Given their difference in heights, he has to lean *down* with care.

Tsuzuki, meanwhile, lies quivering in suspense, hearing a lot of rustling around, which has him wondering just what is going on.


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