I don't like LJ.

Feb 13, 2005 21:30

Today's been a... mixed day. I went to the lab from around 10-12ish to finish my Western Blot and it came out beautifully. Like I was amazed at how well it came out. So that made me really happy.

But then my brother was an ass. He's sick, but honestly --> how bloody stupid do you have to be to take a bubblebath in lukewarm water for an HOUR in the middle of February, come out shivering and complaining when I TOLD him to get out if it wasn't hot enough. And you wonder why he's got a fever. Hamilton got a new computer the other day, so he was setting it up. So he made me bring what is now my mom's CPU upstairs because he's "weak" and the bloody thing gouged a hole in my new pink sweater - the one that went with the scarf/hat/mittens set. It made me very upset. And of course, I was upset already because of all the crap that's been going on so I locked myself in the bathroom and cried. And my mom got all upset and was like "I can get you a new sweater...." It WASN'T THE SWEATER.

I've been seeing my dad more often lately. He's come over a lot because he's doing the taxes and needs my mom's signature. But he did it wrong the first time so he had to fix it and come back. I still have his letter. I cried the first time I read it. And I refuse to let Hamilton read it. My mom already cried when I let her read my letter. I took a nap for a while. Actually, I just lay on my bed and listened to my music for like 2 hours. And then after dinner I tried on the two new blouses my mom got me from Lazarus and then played with my velvet dress (the one I wore to Homecomingat St. Charles), my other new sweater, and my mom's pearls. Then I just got myself totally aggravated trying to fix my other lj's layout with the S1 system.

And the IB ToK site is SO ugly. My god. Jordan made it on Publisher. Not only did he leave it in Times New Roman, he made the font BIGGER. WTF? The colors don't match, it's got a repeating background, it lacks functionality -- like I don't think he knows how to make something open in a new window... and it plays a MIDI!!! It's supposed to be an academic professional site!! It plays a midi that has nothing to do with the site at ALL. And I honestly don't know what was the point of making the links on the side into buttons. All he did was put text on white boxes. What is up with that??? Dear lord......... I didn't even think people USED geocities anymore!!! And of course, the forum looks just as bad. The colors are AWFUL. I don't think he did a lot of research on this. At all. God, I mean, I hate being such and elitist about it but honestly! It lacks all practicality, functionality, and aesthetic appeal!!! It would seriously be better for Mrs. Ballheim to EMAIL us all instead of sending it to Jordan for him to upload. Haloscan could work for a blogging tool!!! I might have to gouge my eyes out if I have to look at that all year and next.

And everything is worse because 1) Laura J has been a bitch saying how Lele's sf project is totally screwed and he'll be destroyed by Brennan and Stern. Seriously. I hope he rocks just to spite her to hell. And 2) Jen's parents are saying they won't let her go to States because she's got the SAT the next weekend. Like HONESTLY! Her mom thought she was going to fail the PSAT too and she's gonna be a semi-finalist!!! For Christ's sake -- I got a 6/6 (12 on both parts) from Livegrader (Princeton Review) on the first essay I submitted. Seriously -- NOT that big of a deal. And you don't need a 2400!!!! As for Natquals last year -- we're all bitter. I mean honestly - Krishna and Smead final round. 7 billion people are going to die v. DOOM PROPHECY!!! WTF was that? You can't blame debate for stuff. It just happens.

I think I'm dehydrated. And I haven't done any homework yet.
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