Nov 06, 2005 20:45
heyy yo heyy
yeah this weekend was alright,
friday was the pasta party for XC senior goodbyes were sad,i even teared up alil yestuday i had SATs grr i suckk at them i think i did very very bad.
Today was XC champs yeahh i know im kool a senior on JV but JV came in thrid booo,i came in 8th out of like 180 so thats good but i wanted to come in like i dunno 1st,and the Varsity came in 5th thats like not good at all, well its still better then half but still we r supossed to be good
oh well i can't believe its over i never have to run again if i don't wana thats so sad,like realy sad
okay im out