My Blue Phoenix Mood Theme

Apr 01, 2007 22:07

Here is the mood theme I made for my Live journal. I like making pixel animal mood themes(rather than photographs), so those are the types of themes I like to post.

If you wish to use these, please upload them to your own image-host so my bandwidth doesn't run out! ^o^

Angry, Aggravated, Bitchy, Enraged, Fustrated, Grumpy, Infuriated, Irate, pissed off, stressed, rushed,

Cranky, Cynical, Irritated, moody,

Confused, Curious, Enthralled

Awake, Indifferent, bored, gloomy, pessimistic, lonely

Determined, Predatory, Working, Busy, Productive

Energetic, Bouncy, Hyper, Crazy, Ditzy,

Happy, Amused, Cheerful, chipper, High, Good, Impressed, Optimistic, Hopeful, Pleased, Flirty, Giggly,

Ecstatic, Excited, Grateful, Loved, thankful, touched

Horny, mischievous, naughty, guilty, devious

Jubilant, Silly, Giddy, Weird, quixotic

Refreshed, Rejuvinated, relaxed, calm, mellow, peaceful, recumbent, satisfied, content, complacent, full, relieved, accomplished

Surprised, Shocked

Indescribable, Okay, Lazy, Listless,

Nerdy, Dorky, Geeky

Blah, exanimate, blank, lethargic, crushed, depressed,

Apathetic, Disappointed, Discontent,

Sad, melancholy, morose, numb, rejected, sympathetic, uncomfortable, restless, sore, thirsty,

Crappy, Drunk, Sick, Nauseated,

Envious, Jealous



Exhausted, Drained, Tired, Groggy, Hot



Worried, Anxious, Intimidated, Nervous

Scared, Distressed, Embarassed

Thoughtful, Contemplative, Nostalgic, Pensive

Artistic, Creative

bird, animal, moodtheme

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