Size actually does matter

Mar 07, 2008 09:28

Had a comment recently about the size of the mood theme on my actual mood theme community. Someone wanted to know how did I manage to have the individual mood sprites so big (Clicky!). Truthfully, that really was only for that one particular comm, while I do have a number of moods with big sprites they're nowhere near that ginormous. I just wanted to give that comm a specific something special...

...but it is by no means my biggest mood per se.

I have 3 moods done with 3 different sets of Hamtaro sprites. 2 normal sized, one with limited color and the other with a more international theme. However, as you'd expect, both of these are fairly normal sized. Then there's this other Hamtaro mood where the sprites shall we say...

...HUGE: Clicky!

Realistically, I don't really make a mood like this for anyone to use. Really, I just made it for the sake of making it. As mood themes go they are decidedly largish in size but other than that, you can't deny that they're adorable!

mood themes

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