Shigure (Dog) Moodtheme EDITED!

May 15, 2007 11:35

This one is based on Shigure's dog form from the manga Fruits Basket, and this is a very small mood theme with only 30 images. I also suggest using this theme with darker backgrounds because the colors of the images are hard to see against white backgrounds.

If you enjoy this theme, please put these images on your own image host so I don't run out of bandwidth!

Edits as of 3/3/08:
(Some of the images in this theme were driving me crazy because they did not compress well when I resized the images. So, some really looked awful... )

-removed the annoying dithering on some of the images
-replaced the following images with better ones: angry, curious and scared
-added the following images: annoyed, enraged, stressed, amused, devious, dirty, drunk, energetic, flirty, gloomy, good, hot and indescribable
-removed the full preview. If you wish to see the rest of this theme, just download the custom mood theme editor version
-added a full version too





For those who use the Custom Mood Theme Editor:
Download this set (.zip file) (note: I have included a mood tree text file to list the moods the images correspond with)

For those who use the Admin Console:
Download this set (.zip file)

dog, fruits basket, animal, moodtheme

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