Sep 05, 2006 09:16
School starts tomorrow. blah.
Not that it really matters I guess, since I didn't really accomplish anything all summer. Volleyball got really screwed up, and everything fell through, so I'm looking forward to that starting again, but then part of me's not, because it will be crazy this year. I guarantee it. All the roadtrips mixed with how easy I get carsick will be very fun. *rolls eyes*.
I can't even think of what I did all summer....shopped a lot...saw Wizard of Oz at rainbow stage...was supposed to go to some sort of concert type thinger, but thats another thing that fell through, because the website got messed up, so i couldn't get anymore info on it...saw Delirium (Cirque du Soleil), Amanda Stott sang in it, it was really good. It's kinda weird that the one that came here was WAAAAY better than the Cirque show that I saw in Vegas.
I actually spent most of the summer just talking to friends, and hanging out around the park and malls.
Someone please keep reminding me that talking to my parents about certain things/people will get absolutely nowhere so I shouldn't even bother anymore, unless I wanna cause problems.
thanks. =P