Aug 14, 2005 22:10
a list of things i love to see- (part one)
pregnant women. i think this is the most admirable thing. it shows bravery and self-confidence. as long as its not a teenager, then it looks like a lack of common sense and absense of contraception.
groups of people drinking coffee together. the relaxation and the fact that they're having a good time without worrying about doing something they regret.
ok, theres two for today.
well, lets have a little update shall we.
i got my ear pierced again yesterday. sorest piercing i have experienced.
i have recently been spending fabulous days with many wonderful people.
im learning to put an overdue end to crushes
ive got to stop arranging to meet guys because im not following through my arrangements and i think they're more than slightly pissed off at me.
these next two weeks are going to be exceptional.