Mar 31, 2007 09:49
I ended up going. To day 1. This made an uber happy b-jette.
I went with Kyrra [<3] and Ricky [<3]. Yesh we had a blast.
We git there; and we missed some good people.. . =[ but oh well. So we are walking .... and I feel a poke and hear my name... ITS TRANCE! [<3] ^_^ With Malic. [<3] And Dirt... though I haven't met before but I knew who he was. [[yes he recognized me from behind bc I was one of the few {kyrra too} wearin bright colors...]]
We continue walkin around and as we are walkin to main stage... I see Mrs. Mousie!!! [<3] ^_^ Wonder wonder... Main stage dead center= Beau and GF [<3] i dont rememebr her name but she was nice. I liked her. I am gunna find her myspace after this... heh
The Cure came on. And Ricky, Kyrra and I were like; FUCK THIS. BYE! LoL and so we wondered. Ermm .... Went around to find glowsticks bc it ot dark and I broke mine... We were at a table for Kyrra and Ricky to by LED when someone pulls my piggy-tail... not nice! I look... and isa FAYE! =] [<3] Faye was lookin for LED lights too... ^_^
Wondered to OnBeat stage.... raved... started teaching Kyrra to spin. Walked around some more.. went to Dance Rock arena... taht was cool... Went to the Newstimes arena and they had their music badly skipping so we were like FUCK THIS! and we walked back to OnBeat stage and we were distracted by this girl Jamie.. Kyrra and Ricky new her.. she tried teaching me poi.. I kinda learned a trick from her.. need to perfect it though..
Went back to OnBeat stage and Danced... till 9:45 and went to Tiesto... He was good. We met some more people... Eric and a guy I named Pilot. I am gunna add them to my myspace too ... heh. Eric taught me a trick. I'm almost done perfecting it. ^_^ OHH Yeahhh!!!! giggity-giggity! hehhehehe
Ermmmm we left as Tiesto was closing.. to avoid traffic.. didnt work so well but... On our way out I was distracted by teh silly white Rabbit [<3] [promoting for day 2] and then I begin to leave and my skirt is tugged on. It's teh crazy Mad Hatter. [<3] Talk to him; even though he was distracted bc as usual he's got 10 people talkin to him..
And then we left.. And while walkin out.. I am still wondering.. Faye and Hatter notice me from behind as well?? and am I recognizable from behind?
SO the deadly hot trio went to Ihop and had a blast there too... Kyrra was playing with her heely's and I was playing with my strings and Ricky looked like he was gunna pass out. heh =] Ihop was co0ol. ^_^ Becky = bEsT wAiTrEsS eVeR!
MEHH... It was a good night. I had lotsa fuun. I got a new kandii. Made new fwiends. Learned 3 new tricks. ^_^ AND i taught myself one this morning. OHHH YEAHHH ! lol
^_^ Yeah.... I'm bored. ermm... I like muh bestie.