Dec 23, 2005 19:23

fabrice shouldnt have gotten a rose
This weekend was out of control. First of all, I forgot my rifle and realized it when i was on 84 but not too far from home. But it was still annoying.
We were following LT in the truck and the trucks break lights were out, so melissa called me to see if i had either caitlins or melissas phone number, cause i needed to tell them that the trucks break lights are out. But somehow in translation it came out as Caitluns head lights or something was out, and we had to think about it for 5 mins to figure out what she actually said. And the trucks break lights really were out, so that was a fun adventrue.

goi have oboe auditions tomorrow, oooooh shiiiiiit
oh yeah and its my birthday! holla at me! lol
1. He'll be straight after I get done with him.
2. I'll love him no matter who he bangs
3. Have you ever pulled your tongue muscle?
4. Useless!!! You're USELESS!!!!!!!! GAHHHHH and you don't know your angles! and i hate you
5. Lauren, its not your fault! Unless we're folding the floor, then yes, its your fault



RIP Tanner 1994-2005

We drove from DE and it took us about 9 and a half hours...it would have taken less time if the driver knew how to drive a stick shift bus. But we would be movin along then all the sudden start going like 3 mph in the slow lane up a hill so we could switch gears...and it happens 2438234 times lol. And also getting out of the parking lot of the place we practiced on thursday, these boys were laughing at us and they definitely had the right to cause we could go like an inch then get whiplash and stop. Then he'd have to turn the bus off, back on try again. I think it took us a good 20 minutes to get out of that parking lot. There's a trauma.

Well after all this DCI drama I still might be able to march! I'm going to audition for capital regiment now, they are out of Columbus, OH, and they still have spots open. Woohoo! Anyways, I'm flying out there in 2 weekends to go spin and see if I like it and whatever which I think I will because I have already talked to 2 of their staff people and I like them both. So it will be fun, I will get tan and get skinny.

June -
Death Camp
Relearning the opener 5 times
Bus gets hit by semi trailer
Getting an 8 in colorguard GAH

Staff Leaving
Hurricane Enid
New Staff
New show

It don't mattacheese
Ok, so I am back from DCI, and let me tell you, it has been one HELL of a summer. We had good times, bad times, we laughed, we cried, we were in a hurricane in Oklahoma, and Illinois sucks ass, but all in all, it was worth it in the end.

.and then i realized that my sabre blade had in fact snapped in half
Its crazy that i miss living on a bus. The whole last week of tour all i could think about was how nice it was going to be to sleep in the same place everynight, not have to blow up my bed every night, and not be woken up to " good morning capital regiment, strech and run is in 15" and then waiting until "stretch and run is in 10" and then "5 minutes till stretch, GET UP" cause i def waited till the last second to get out of bed...u dont get much sleep on tour so u might as well get 10 extra minutes here and there. But now I miss it,
"C Major and A minor walk into a bar. C Major orders a drink and goes to order one for A minor as well. The bartender then tells him, I'm sorry, we don't serve minors, even if they're relative."

is it possible for my life to make any less sense right now...nope! but for how much it doesn't make sense...it sure is predictable

"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” -annonymous. capreg05<3


So my decision as of right now I am not marching this summer, but I will go my age out year. I am going to miss my ass tan come august
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