Rant. same as facebook.

Jul 26, 2007 00:17

First...and most important. The sick twisted guys who killed the Petit family. Not cause it was in my town, if it happened anywhere I would still be this mad. You must not be mentally stable to do something like that...or I don't see how they havn't killed themselves with guilt yet. It must be cause they don't understand what they did and if they do...they are heartless people. How can you take the lives of innocent people just because you want to steal their money or possessions or whatever they were after. It still kills me to think what these people went through before they died...being held hostage from 3am until 9 am...getting beaten and then tied to something while your house was lit on fire. This sounds like its straight out of a movie...but happened to a nice family. These guys should get much more than just the death penalty. They should get exactly what they did to these people...but just enough every day not to kill them, and just make the rest of their lives as painful as possible. Suffer as much as possible and not let them die. Maybe cut off one limb at a time with no pain meds. Don't really care. As long as it hurts a lot...and maybe let some of the extended family members watch or do some of the torture. But they probably wouldnt because they are nice people. I can't believe this happened...or that anyone could be so evil to even think about doing this, nevermind going through with it.
2nd...and much less important after talking about that..."guests" at work. In the past 2 weeks I have had some of THE most unpleasant people in the stores and I just have to smile at them and pretend that I like them. I don't like them. They are rude. And they need to learn how to control their children. Number 1. I don't care that you think things are expensive. Number 2. I don't price things. Number 3. If I did price things, I would price them just as they were priced now. Its an amusement park. You go there to go on rides. And not buy things. If you really don't want to spend a lot of money on legos, go to the toy store before you come to the park and then I don't have to deal with you. Or hell, go after you visit the park. I've babysat kids. I know if you bribe them enough...they will shut up if they know they will get something later. Of course there is always the i want it nooooow and i won't get off the floor until I get it kid...but thats when you drag them into the stroller and teach them that temper tantrums don't get you everything you want in life. And if you just give in, congratulations, your kid is going to grow up into the biggest spoiled brat in the world, have no friends, and suck the life out of you. I know many of these people and I feel sorry for them. Anyways...another stupid thing people do...treat me like I am dumb. I don't know why they start to think this before I have even started to talk. Do I look dumb? Is it the way I said hi to you being all nice and everything that sounded dumb? I'm going into my senior year with a 3.6 gpa...not good enough for you?? Today...had a charming guest use a credit card to buy something. Asked if he wanted debit or credit. He said "its a CREDIT card"...making it sound like I've never seen one in my life and just came across this magical piece of colored plastic that you can charge things on and pay later. Wow. News to me. BUT thats what was going on inside my head. Outside of my head...i nicely said "well the machine gives me 2 options and i need to ask" and he said "oh". NOT "oh i am so sorry i was a complete douschebag to you because i think i know everything. just a simple "oh" and it still had a hint of attitude in it. This man did not get a have a good evening from me!
Lastly to do with work...people that can not read...or that can read and choose not to. This goes from signs on the wall to price tags on items. Ok, so occasionally there are items that aren't priced. HOWEVER...most of the time the person asking me the price has to LOOK PAST the price tag to make eye contact with me to ask the price. And usually i just take it, look at it, and nicely tell them how much it is. If it was a nice person asking me...I would have no problem. However, its usually the person when I am ringing someone up and have 4 people behind them that keeps asking every 5 seconds...how much is this? how much is this? how much is this? And I secretely just want to take a pricing gun and smack them over the head with it. Hey see that little paper tag with the numbers on it...that is in your line of vision to look at me? Its no secret code for where it was made, its the f-ing price. Learn how to figure out what a price tag looks like. And also, learn what tax is while you're at it. Don't pay with 4 dollars for something that is 3.99. Cause I'm tired of doing voids. OK? Thanks. Also...lockers are 6 dollars and 8 dollars. Don't keep looking up at the sign when i tell you the price and say "No, its 4 dollars". I say "No its 6 dollars. Yes, you're a moron." Well, just today I decided to up the price myself just so I could make a little profit today. The sign is wrong just trust me. Read the sign. 4 plus 2 equals six. And you're treating me like I'M a moron? Right. But I put on the nice face and say "Its 4 dollars with a 2 dollar key deposit you will get back when you will return your key." Also. Numbers past 1310 are on the wall towards the back. IF you were listening when I gave out your key, you would know that. But since you think I have nothing good to say you just walk away. Then you will come back later saying there is no 1320. I guess I am in a playing tricks mood today. See we have these fake locker keys...all numbers after 1320. The lockers don't really exist, we just give out the keys so you can come back after not finding it, then we can laugh and give you another key. Its what gets us through the days here at the lake. No, you moron, there IS a 1320 its straight behind this booth on the wall. If you had listened to me in the first place, you would know. Also...dont lock a person's back pack strap into your locker. I'm sure you noticed when you did it, but were toooo lazy to take the 5 extra seconds to open the locker up, take the strap out, and spare a retail AC their dinner break to come open a locker for the persons back pack strap you locked in. Also...if you are holding the key to a locker for a group, don't run off alone so that no one can find you all day, and so that your friends have to hover around the lockers waiting for you, asking if we have extra keys, and we have to say no and we feel bad and tell you that you need to find your friend or pay $5 to open it but then you can't use it anymore cause the lock has to be broken off and you will need a new locker. Have some common sense. Thanks. Ok. So many more stupid people stories...but just thinking about them is making me angrier and angrier. Onto other things.
The McDonalds on the way to 84...aka the only mcdonalds semi on the way home for me from work...has to be the slowest gd mcdonalds EVER. All i ever want is Iced coffee...so much to ask? Do I really have to wait 15 mins EVERY TIME to get it? And why do I keep going back? Cause i think it won't take as long, but sadly I'm wrong every time. Yesterday...the lady in front of me. Must have had at least 15 kids in the car with her from what she ordered...and she had to say the order twice...confusing the kid in the drivethrough, who had to confirm it yet again for her to add something else and take away something, confirm it again, have it be wrong...and by that time...I just left. There were like 6 cars behind me that I'm sure didnt get any service for at least 10 more minutes. Tonight, being a moron, went back again this time only 1 car ahead of me. Still took 10 minutes. And my coffee I dont think there was any coffee in it. It was all cream i think...and i don't know how i havnt thrown up yet from drinking it. McDonalds on the way to 84. Figure. It. Out. Move faster. Make better iced coffee. That's all I ask.
And lastly. Why can't i lift anything with my right arm. Why can't I toss more than a half on flag. Why will it take a few weeks to come back. Why must I have a long ass name hereditary thing (hereditary neuropathy in liability to pressure palsies...cause i know you were wondering haha) so that my nerves don't regenerate sometimes when I put my limbs to sleep. Usually not so bitter. In drum corps season...soo bitter. If my ankle gave out again, at least i have the brace for it. If I cant lift up my toes when i walk, i'm sure id have a way around it. If i shut of my middle finger to my pinky finger the only thing i wouldnt be able to do would be to type and play oboe...not a big deal. But it had to happen in my arm/shoulder and it better get better faster than it did during vapco cause that took like 3 weeks. In the meantime I guess im SOL. Ok thats it for tonight. Done bitching.
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