things that make you go hmmmm

Sep 30, 2004 22:37

Why is it that our self esteem is so tied up in the physical? Why is it that a woman thinks shes a failure if her skirt doesn't zip, even if she made the top sales in her company that week? Women spend so much time living up to the "ideal" And just what is the ideal? the whole mega multimillion dollar fashion industry is devoted to promoting it. They are the ones who shape our image of ideal body, ideal clothes, ideal hair, ideal face and of course-they are the ones who make everyone think that she has to have ten perfectly manicured nails, the figure of a sixteen year old who is made up to look like a thirty year old, hair that never frizzes or goes limp, lipstick that doesn't smudge and stays glossy, and lashes that never clump or flake. A woman must look equally alluring in her satin teddy as she does in her executive suit and she never has that "not so fresh" feeling. We would all hate her if she lived next door but I confess that I have spent my whole life trying to become her. And for what? It's exhausting for one thing. It takes a lot of work to be ideal. It's a constant vigil against chipped nail polish, dry skin, graying hair and cellulite. And the funny thing is that all those models who supposedly portray the ideal spend hours getting ready and require special lighting and airbrushes to make them look like that. No one is perfect. Everyone has flaws-some just hide it better than others. The media has so corrupted our ability to appreciate reality that they even have gotten to the point where the "reality" shows are now scripted. This is so pathetic. My "body image" is not what I see in the mirror. It is what I see in my head, it is my minds picture of how I look. I cannot remember a time in my life when I felt confident about my body. And that is because society tells us every single day and every single minute that in order to be good enough you have to look like the "ideal" In every magazine, tv ad, everywhere it tells you that if you don't look good, you aren't good. All I have to say is THAT SUCKS! I hate societies "ideal" I would like to spend just one day, no I take that back, one hour loving myself for who I am and not what everyone else thinks I should be.
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