Nov 10, 2004 19:24
I have to give a shout out to my girl, Dina. Happy birthday. I fucking love you girl!
Lots of schoolwork to do and boy does that blow my balls or what?
Lots of people have been madd shady lately and thats fucked up.
OOO and robyn were watching the parkers today and they said this funny joke and it was great. it was pretty much the best joke ive ever heard.
i swear this bitchy is shady.
this sucks...the majority of my closest friends are in trouble so i cant hang out with them and my other friends are just drifting away from me for no reson(with exceptions of know who.)maybe i should just make new friends just like they are.
my dad just recently bought a house upstate. i guess ill be going there every couple weekends or so.
the obeefinator busted my gta: san andreas so hes getting me a new one.
you fucking change like the weather...maybe someday you'll change for the better.
new south park tonight...what a predicament.
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that shits fuuuuuuucked up...