Everyone that doesn't know,this is sam I am glad I met her...One day i was looking at Stevie's Livejournal x_let_it_bleed and I came acroos a comment from someone called sam,I clicked on it and read some of her livejournal,she seemed to have the smae stuff going on as I did and so I left her a comment and she commented back and soon I asked her if I could add her to my livejournal,she said yes and then added me back..we would leave comments on eachothers journals,she seemed really nice so i asked her if I could add her on msn,she agreed so i did,we started speaking..Then we were both saying how we were going to the cathouse on saturday so we decided to meet up...we did and we get on so well,she is so lovely and so funny...Sam,This entry is to say I'M GLAD I MET YOU!!!
thanks for being you