Jun 05, 2005 13:24
Me and Ncola went into town at about 2.30,her mom gave us a lift in...No crash this time! We couldn;t see Nelson or anyone when we got to Central we couldn't see Nelson or anyone we knew so we just went a wlalk and then Lauren called me over so we spoke to her for abit then she handed me this leaflet,i read it then dropped it and this wee old man pure came over and started saying,pick that up and put it in the bin,So we were like there is no bin.he was liek go find one,we were like where? and he said give it to that poilce man and we said that there was lil bin men in Central there to pick up the rubbish and he was liek they shouldn't have to and I said but thats there job and he was like but they shouldn't have to pick up after you and I was liek so what I ame all themess in Central and then he was like justpick upso I was like nah,and I walked away! What a wank...
We then walked over and I saw Nelson,so we hung about with hima nd huis random wee friend...He was annoying infact...we then walked to Clydeside,then Rosie text me so we walked back up to Queen street o get her,we got her then walked to Buchanan Galleries because I wanted to piss! Nice! We then walked back to central,met up with Nelson again,found Gow and Calvin etc,we then just hung about then Nicola and Calvin went to woolworths to look at pokemon stuff....Then Rosie had to go get Fiona,so me and Nelson were left,I then met Sam,then Nicola and Calvin came back...we then just stood about for ages and we gave Sam her presents,lol! What a random bunch of shite that was!She loved it anyway though. I think thats because she lied! I then met Jamie he was all upset because he and Fiona broke up,I tried to cheer him up it wasn't happening.... Nicola met Vicky and Lauren,she hung about with them like all day because I ditched her.Didn't mean to! I met Ross,hee hee!
When it was like 6,Nelson and people went into the cathouse I went to mcdonalds to get Nicola and Vicky etc,They pure took an age! When we left Mcdonalds we ahd to go find Nicola a members card,we found Megan and valz,they didn't get in...so we took Valz's card,well atleast we thought it was Valz's,when we got int he mad woman asked us what our names were so I said mine and Nicola said Valerie,the woman then said this is not your card,she was like this says Megan...it was then taken off us,Hee hee! When we got in we did the usual,I found Nelson then Gow and all that,Sam and McShea got together,Yay...Go Sam because she likes him! Its also funny Rosie got with Sean,Ha ha ha...if you knew who they were you would laugh too!
It was actually quite a boring night,now that I think about it! After me and Nicola hung about central and then wet home...and we pierced my ear and laughed at all the photos I took,i will resize them and put them on this. We also peirced myear,it was kinda sore with the pushing of that needle,I think I give up on piercing myself,it is safer for me to get it done properly....
Then me and Nicola ate sandwichs and talked for ages...Then we went to sleep!