Apr 20, 2005 17:27
I got into the Oaklawn Art Show.....I'm actually pretty excited about that! I was very surprised to see that Jessi didnt get picked as well...because if you ask me...her picture was 100 times better than mine!
What I thought was a bad day turned into a good one, after I thought about it! I got 3 A's....I mean whats up with that....my parents seem very happy with me for the first time in like a year....my bad kid curse is wearing off!!!!
My earlier entry compared to this must be funny cuz I was very depressed in the last...then I did some thinking while doing my homework (yea I actually did my homework!!!)and I really do love my life, my family....and of course all of you....I love my friends so much....so now I'm gonna post stuff about you guys!
Flynn - Your my flynny....and you're awesome....and we always have fun even if we're bored!
Brooke - I love you no matter how much we fight....you're my sister...and I'm always proud of your beliefs and goals and acomplishments...even if it seems like I'm not
Jb - You crack me up...I dont think anyone else makes me laugh as much as you do!
Jessi - I've known you for-like-ever, and we always get along....and you're so fun, and funny, and nice!
Britainy - I havnt known you very long, but you're a really great friend!
Brendon - You're really cool, and you have a big head!
Abbe - You're fun, and you need to move to Marshall because you are one of us now!
Cohoe - we fight sososososoooo much, and we're always mean to each other...but we're still friends....I guess maybe we need to work on getting along better?
I hope I didnt forget anyone who reads this ...
Hazelnut coffee creamer is love!