Apr 23, 2006 20:20
Doctor doctor burn all the jews
I got a bad case of Hitler blues.
haha wow, that was the funniest thing I've heard in awhile.
Terrible, but funny.
Anyway, birfday is in 4 days.
Takin my road test in 5.
Gettin outta half the day of school that day too.
I'm pumped.
I holpe I get lots of money for my b-day.
Ha I'm so terrible but whatever I'm broke, so fuck you.
I tried to get my dad to let my get my lip pierced, cuz I really want sake bites, but that did not go as well as planned.
Because he said no the second I said lip pierced.
I was kinda bummed, even though I knew he'd say no before I asked. haha oh well.
fuck it.
I really do not want to go back to school.
I don't really want to see people.
Except Joe and Heather.
Other than that, it really is not a big deal to me.
How can anyone be excited to go back to school?
I do not understand that at all.
Oh yeah I got my haircut today.
I was gonna get it cut friday but I couldn't decide how to cut it, so I skipped it and then today my dad was like, wanna get your haircut and I was still like I don't know how to get it cut and he's like get it cut short or somethin.
so we looked in the lil book thing and we saw this picture of a kid with a fauxhawk and he liked it and I liked it so I got it cut short.
And that is the end of my story.