I freaking love Mexican food.
How's that for a first entry? More?
Tonight we had nachos and I swear they were the best ever. Except maybe that's just because I forgot to eat all day and dinner was breakfast.
I'm pretty sure livejournal is for sharing photos, so here's one of Jareth.
He's my baby.
I had to go buy birthday presents today but since I know nothing about wargaming and all that I had to go ask the people who worked at the shop. They may or may not have ripped me off but I'll never know. I just bought the stuff they suggested and hopefully that will work as a present for the housemate.
I actually miss lectures. Is that sad? I can't wait for classes to go back already.
And this next bit can go under a cut because it's got a bum in photo and it's talking about things like Teh Sex.
I was Googling for someone I recently met - which is weird enough, really. I'm not used to knowing Googleable people - and this picture came up:
I'm not usually into girls and I don't usually think girls look good with lots of tattoos, but she is pretty much gorgeous. And she's super nice as well. Her name's Roxy and she said those tattoos took forever. I can imagine, but they look great on her. I might have to decide that I'm not so straight as I thought I was if I'm looking at a picture like that and thinking naughty thoughts.