Low Budget Oscars

Feb 23, 2009 14:58

Didn’t get a chance to watch the Oscars last night, but I’m really glad I recorded it. Hugh Jackman’s intro was not to be missed. I loved his “low budget” approach. Pulling Anne Hathaway up there was really cool (Jackman and Hathaway are two of my favorite actors, and I’m glad she was in a gorgeous dress, ‘cause that would have been horribly embarrassing if it had been a dud) and I was super jealous of her. And I really loved his joke about comic book movies and their lack of nominations and wins. Gracious, but he’s adorable.

The whole Oscars had a very low budget feel, I think. And what was with all the cow-towing/praising/etc that was going on? Calling it cow-towing I think is probably harsh, but honestly. I’m all for honoring the nominees, but the best supporting actress presentation took like 10 minutes to get through. Some half-assed montages. Problems with that stupid curtain in the back. If they were trying to high light the poor economy, they were doing an excellent job.

Really liked Jack Black’s joke about how he makes all his money working in a Dreamworks movie and then bets it on Pixar to win the Oscar. Bitter, but funny.

Er, I’m not sure Benjamin Button deserved best makeup (especially since there was a lot of CGI involved). Probably should have gone to Hellboy.

Stiller’s bearded, gum chewing wanderings on stage seemed out of place and a little disrespectful. It was amusing until he took attention away from the nominees for the joke.

The comedies of 2008 montage was hilarious at least. Hooray for Judd Apatow, and hooray for pot jokes at the Oscars.

The cynic inside me would like to make a comment about how someone should tell Jackman this isn’t the Tony Awards but…. I really loved the singing and dancing routines. And go go Beyonce. Though I do wonder why Jackman sang the words for a song that Beyonce sang in her movie. Anyway, it helps that I recognized every song they threw in there.

I don’t know if Ledger deserved the Oscar. I haven’t seen Dark Knight, but I do know that it’s hard to compete with Philip Seymour Hoffman because he’s bloody brilliant. I do have to say though, that the standing ovation that was given as his family moved up to accept his award was very touching. There were some nice close-ups of Brad Pitt and Kate Winslet who both looked like they were about to burst into tears. It was a nice acceptance.

And WTF, it’s totally unfair to give Benjamin Button best makeup and best visual effects. Booooo. Iron Man totally deserved that one; it looked amazing.

Some of these categories seem to get smaller and worse every year. Why are there only 3 animated films nominated, when there are so many? Not that they’re all quality films, but I wonder if there’s a cap? Like they’re only allowed to nominate three films in the category? And what’s with the songs? Was it last year when nearly every song nominated was from Enchanted (and they weren’t that great to be honest)? Are people just not writing original songs for movies anymore? Not to knock the Slumdog songs, because the one that won is a great song. But three songs, and two of them from the same film? Sad. And where was Peter Gabriel?

And what was up with the memorial sequence? Queen Latifah has an amazing voice and that was a gorgeous song, but that camera work was horrific and uncalled for. Just focus on the damn screen so we can see the names and the faces! That's what it's about.

Best Actresses…that’s the best they could get? Sophia and Shirley belong up there, Kidman isn’t bad, I have no idea who that foreign chick is, but Halle Berry sure didn’t belong there. And my DVR cut off right before the winner of best actress was announced. I know it was Kate, and she is brilliant.

Slumdog must be bloody brilliant considering how many awards it went away with. Haven’t seen it yet myself, but I’ve heard good things.
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