May 18, 2009 06:41

Metal or non-stick?  I usually like going the route of aluminum thow away - easier clean up!

Cast iron or stainless?  Stainless

Cutting board: silicone or wood? scares me to think of what could grow in wood

Knife: carbon steel or stainless?  errr...i dunno...Cutco?

Kitchenaid or hand mixer?  hand

Cooktop: gas, electric, induction?  electric....gas scares me

Side-by-side, freezer on top, fridge on top? Side-by-side

Apron or whoops?  whooooooooooooopsies

Mashed potatoes: by hand, ricer, or mixer?  grew up on instant...much prefer the homemade by mixer though!

Sandwich or wrap? sammich

PB & _________ ? Jelly... grape jelly

Pancakes: syrup or applesauce? Applesauce?? Who does that!? I grew up on Aunt Jemima syrup, but  I prefer the real thing.

Cake: scratch or mix? all cake is good

Chili: beans or no? noooo thank you

Napkin: cloth or paper? need for extra laundry

BBQ: takes the whole weekend to make or take out? do it yourself, of course!

Chicken: white or dark? White

Ice cream: cone or dish?  waaaaaaaaaaaffle cone...or bowl...but sprinkles are a must

baking, waffle cone, kitchen

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