Oct 09, 2007 07:35
So I have yet to actually leave the state of Texas and I just got told that I already got a $25 dollar raise. This not working thing seems to be working for me. Maybe I should stick with it. Been telling whoever pops into my mind that I can reach about this job and the sick amount of money I'll be making, but money is everything, heh. Anyways I told my friend Christina (who's couch was plan d, d for Dallas) about the job and this is pretty much how it went.
Me: So it seems I won't be needing your couch anyways. Heading in the other direction, thanks though.
Her: So where you running off to now?
Me: I don't run! And Wyoming. Away from everything and everyone. To make over a grand a week.
Her: .....Tell me it's not dealing drugs. (WHAT THE HELL?! Atleast I can have some fun)
Me: What if it was? Or more specifically in the assisted transportation there of.
Her: You could do so much better, Robert.
Me: Think I should try to get more?
Her: I mean a better job jackass!
Where the hell did the drugs come from I want to know. And no, I never even told her I used to hook friends up in highschool. It was just so out there it was crazy. But she's crazy so it kind of makes sense. Our friendship never was all that normal, heh. Even by my standards. Shame I won't be going down to Dallas though. Even with all her rules. "You are not allowed to seduce my roommate!" That comment made after she told me if she had a man when I get down there it was certainly couch sleepin. Oh well. I'll just look at the silver lining of a girl thinking I have powers of seduction, haha.