Sep 04, 2007 10:25
Okay this is called "FIRST REACTIONS QUIZ". You have to type the 1STthing that comes to mind whenever you hear these 35 things. You can't think and go back and change your answers. Copy and Paste, then delete answers to make them your own.
Let's do this:
1. Beer: Not enough money for anything else
2. Anorexic: Edges can cut
3. Relationships: Good in theory, hard in practice
4. Purple: Rain
5. Power Rangers: Amy Jo Johnson you are soooooo hot
6. Weed: Never saw the point
7. Steroids: See above
8. Cartoons: Hell yeah!
9. The President: makes for a fine figure head
10. Tupperware: At every garage sale
11. Best Vacation: San Antonio with my famiyl when I was a kid
12. Santa Claus: Set traps for him every year in elem.
13. Halloween: Holiday of brotherly love. You go to strangers and they give you stuff!
14. Bon Jovi: Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
15. Grammar: Is becoming more like my english as second language customers.
16. Facebook: Myspace lite
17. Worst fear: Dying alone
18. Marriage: Someday... I hope
19. Paris Hilton: Where?! *loads gun*
21. Redhead: Gold
22. Blondes: Bronze
23. Brunette: Silver
24. Pass the time: Read or watch tv
25. One night stands: Have yet to try. Always a round two
26. Donald Trump: Should throw something at me. CHA-CHING!
27. Neverland: Never never is not for Harry Dresden. No sir
28. Pixie Sticks: Why did kids snort them?
29. Vanilla Ice Cream: Sometimes it's good to go back to basics
30. High School: I miss alot of that time...
31. Work: Soul crushing hell hole randomly populated by cute girls who think I'm funny
32. Pajamas: A pair of slacks the had the button ripped off
33. Wood: Goes in fire
34. Wet Sock: Second most akward sock feeling. Dryign wet sock with ahnd dryer and putting it back on it first
35. Alcohol: In mass quantities helps others believe I'm telling the truth
36. Love: Can not be measured. It is endless and can be given to many while robbing none. Is a treasure to be felt but is greater still when accepted by another. Has rarely, if ever, been given to me in the same strength I gave it to another.