
Aug 12, 2007 05:53

My mind if playing tricks on me again.... I hope. So last night I was laying in bed and had hit the snooze button she mintues before. Lights off and just the sound of the ceiling fan and me counting seconds off in my head (lets me know if I fall back to sleep or when the alarm is about to go off again). Suddenly I feel like someone is trying to wake me up. You know when someone wants to shake you awake they typically shake your shoulder or knee? Well I swear it felt like someone grabbed my knee and tried to gently wake me. Luckily I wasn't really asleep so I had enough wits about me to realise that I SHOULD be alone. So with that knowledge I rolled out of bed armed to bravely meet.... nothing. Needless to say that I walked out of the room still armed and went and sat down for a bit.
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