Aug 21, 2014 08:18
Sadly my tales of woe at the DIY shop are coming to an end as the store is closing down, but it seems that customers will suck right until the end. For every comment from a customer wishing us well we get one like "so I hear you've got a big sale coming up hurr hurr hurr," and then they seemed baffled at the fact that saying that to one of the 40 people who are being made redundant might actually upset them.
However this woman I served this morning wins the prize for least sensitive customer ever. She asked me if I knew what store was taking over the building when we left, and when I told her she said "brilliant! I love that store! I can't wait for it to open! When did you say you were closing again?"
Even if that was what you personally thought why on earth would you say it to one of the people who are losing their job because of it and are desperately worried about their future? Honestly, whatever my next job is, I hope it doesn't involve customer service.