Jun 11, 2017 19:11
Had a voicemail from a session I did a couple of weeks ago. She said that it was not a good session and whoever the 'person' who helped them did not order an 8x10 they wanted. She only discovered after an email was sent that day and she saw the order summary.
First of all - many apologies for not being 100 percent in dealing with your meddling mother and newborn who was not enthusiastic about the outfit changes. And you, who did not know what she wanted, in spite of my asking several times. It was my first day back after having surgery a week before and I was still in some pain but no excuse. Not my best, I get it.
Secondly - many apologies for deciding you just did not deserve that 8x10 you and your mother spent 15 minutes on debating. It was sneakily evil of me to only order the one 8x10. Mwa-ha-ha. Ha.
Thirdly - I spent three times longer with y'all in the camera room than I am supposed to, even went back to redo some shots because you didn't care for the color of the background (even though I recommended one that would complement better but your mother made a face at it and wanted the background you end up not liking in the picture).
While I will admit it was not my best session as I had some restrictions from surgery and was in a little bit of pain, I still went out of my way to get what you needed, and you make it my fault that you didn't get the sheet you wanted for a session you didn't even like.