Dec 22, 2016 22:48
I work at two places. One is your run of the mill crazy as hell gas station, and the other is a children's clothing store. (which is also crazy as hell at this time of the moment).
First one: Dear donut guy who brings in donuts every morning: (witness suck)
Seriously, you're just NOW figuring out we're prepay only? Every place in this area is prepay only. You're saying the location at such and such and this location at such and such isn't prepay. That's why I don't go to this place at such and such. No. We won't turn on the pumps for special snowflakes like you. The pumps plainly say on them that they're prepay only. If it pisses you off that much...did you really think kicking up a fuss inside the store about it would have changed it? You could have saved your trouble and time (and not given us headaches) and just gone somewhere else if it pissed you off that bad.
He did end up prepaying...however at that time for some reason we were having trouble putting money on those pumps inside the store, and he had to move to the pump behind him...needless to say, I went and got our manager and told her what was going on because neither my coworker or I wanted to deal with him again. He was being an angry old man whom until then I hadn't given much thought to his personality other than he brought in those ever important donuts every morning.
Customers: We just work there, we don't make the policies. We just follow them. If you're that pissed off go complain to corporate about the policy. However, it's not like it's a ,anew thing. (He mentioned something about that's what the cops are for, and what cameras are for yada yada yada. My manager said just to look up a drive off it costs $30. And while there are lots of cops in the area, they can't just be there in two seconds , and by then the car could be long gone).
I also work at a children's clothing store.
Dear sir who bought a bunch of clothes, and then decided to return it all, buy a $40 gift card, just to buy it all back, use the gift card and get $10 off (which my manager finally gave into.. they're not supposed to use it for that purchase.. only for future purchases) and then started getting all pissed because it was taking forever to go through the process and you just wanted to get it over with. %$#@%$#@%$#^%$%#@ YOU. Line x amount of people deep, you decide to waste yours, ours, and everyone else's time to return all the shit just so you can get $10 off of a $60 purchase, and you're getting mad at ME because it's taking too long? No, I may not be perfect, yes I make mistakes, but you're just an asshole.
And same to the lady who realized she got the wrong size of jeans after checking everything out, got all hissy, went and grabbed the right size, cut in line, and didn't realize, yes, we had to ring it up in the system, we couldn't just give them to you. The system is pretty damn specific and if you return something that isn't on that receipt (including size) it doesn't like it
Minor sucks: Young guy: What time do y'all close?
Me: Now (mentally: 20 minutes ago).
And to the lady at the very end who took forever and had several transactions and whose phone # I had memorized at the end because she was a rewards member. You and your girls were super super sweet. Even though it was really annoying, and by the time you left it was 40 minutes after we were supposed to have been closed, I'd rather wait on you a 100x more than the aforementioned asshole. Annoying? Yes. Super annoying... but ...yeah, your girls were precious...and you weren't rude.