Posting this for V Day reminiscences.....Recap: i used to own a new age/gift store. candles and tarot and jewelry and singing bowls and etc.yes, this happened in our store, a lot. it also happened /happens in EVERY store that carries anything even remotely "magic" ,"new age", "pagan" or whatever.
Every single "pagan" store owner dreads these..
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Though...personally...I think if one could come up with "Christian spells"...ah, nevermind...
but.. umm. yeah.. i cant really count how many people said "i am christian" and then were asking me for stuff that i would THINK their own religion would cover.
like banishing evil spirits...
house blessings
i mean i "get" that your Christian religion doesnt teach you how to steal someone's spouse. but you know... neither does Wicca or any other reputable Pagan religion.....
banishing evil spirits? house blessings? protections? no problem, there are plenty of instructions in the Bible... prayers and psalms to read... holy water..bells... cleaning.. recommended herbs (hyssop, frankincense, myrrh, aloe) blessing and anointing psalms and prayers. and then placing a Holy symbol near the door.
not to mention blessing yourself on your "going out and coming in"
Thank you for reminding me of that. I think my icon explains how I feel right now...
They didn't work, and only pissed the spirit off.
I went to my local pagan store and asked the lovely lady who worked there. She gave me advice, and even let me borrow a few of her own supplies. I did the rituals, and they worked.
*Shrug* I assume the spirit simply wasn't Christian.
Take that bad spirit!
Worked very nicely too.
a solidly grounded priest, who actually believes, can do some serious rear kicking.
the real issue i run into is so many of the ministers in many Christian faiths these days do not seem to actually believe in spirits...... (no, i am not singling any out.. nor am i saying ALL of them)
and of the denominations/faiths that actively teach about them..... many of them seem to be ill prepared to deal with them unless they are of one specific type.
i have seen the same thing in other religions, but of course as a shop owner , what with most of the population being SOME variety of Christian, i saw mostly Christians whose religious leaders couldnt help them... which is sad. really.
(in the interest of fairness i should point out i am a recent convert to Catholicism, so i do have a bias towards that)
most pastors really have very little training in this topic, and most pagans have a lot.
sadly? the vast majority of preachers have very little belief in the spirit world. they talk a good game, but dont DEAL with it (not all of them) or only deal with it from a very theoretical view point.
and most negative entities of any sort? seriously?? in my opinion? they are not "religious" .... they are sort of like.. like.... bacteria, or predators. if you have a wound, they move in... if you get in the water bleeding you attract sharks...
there are "aware" spirits out there... but most people dont run into them, they run into the "bacteria" and "sharks"
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