Just because you can wear a size 6 doesn't mean you should...

May 13, 2006 17:34

Bakery Wench... is ME!!

So this regular customer, who usually is nice at first and then gets asshole-ish if you have to ask him to repeat or you make an honest mistake, came in the other day.

I got him a box of doughnuts, a cake, and a loaf of bread. No one EVER asks for bags for an assortment like this, i didn't think to say anything (We can't fit either box in bags anway). So, right before I rang him up, I asked him if he wanted anything else, or needed anything, and he said no.

So i counted back his change and told him to have a nice day, when he turned nasty.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

I was completely bewildered. "Um, no?"

"Put it in a bag!!"

"They won't fit-"

"Put it in a paper bag!"

So I grabbed a paper bag and slid the boxes in while it's on it side. The only purpose this serves would be to like, keep the rain off of it. The bag has absolutely no use, not even to keep the stuff together. The guy gave me a glare before leaving. i told him, cheerfully, to once again have a nice day.

Um, okay, sir, I'll get on those telepathy classes right away. What a bastard.


Now,f or the subject line.

This woman came strutting in wearing tight jeans, about a size 6 (her arms and legs were thin). She in her late thirties, and looked it (in a bad way). She also wore a pink crop top.

She shouldn't have worn the pink crop top.

Her jeans were tightly belted, and were low-rise.

She had the nastiest belly fat hanging over the front of her jeans. It seriously made me want to vomit (it looked that gross). I was wondering how she could have let herself go out of the house wearing that. I mean, it wasn't just flab, or anything. It was NASTY. I'm glad I didn't wait on her because I might not have stopped myself from saying something rude.



-Your Friendly Neighborhood Bakery Wench

Who thankfully has a decent summer job and will never have to work at the bakery again (hopefully) after Thursday...
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