May 03, 2011 15:03

Okay, so I have one last project in Costume Design. ("Final project" would be a misnomer, because our last big thing was due yesterday; this is just something quick to keep us busy for another week and a half.) Our assignment is to pick a TV show, invent an episode premise for it, and render costumes for any four characters we like.

I said I would do Farscape on a whim-- and because it's the only scifi gimmick I can think of that the show didn't already rock in canon, I want to do a mirrorverse episode. But I can't think of how I want mirror-Farscape-verse to work. A lovely happy sickly-sweet place where everything always happens for the best, maybe? I feel like the original-Trek method of making all the heroes evil and sadistic won't fly in a world as morally grey as Farscape's, but then again Trek did a fantastic job of translating the mirrorverse over to DS9, so maybe I could work it.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

rl: academic, tv: star trek, theatrical: costume, tv: farscape, rl, tv

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