Today I returned a pair of shoes I'd bought and then decided were hideously ugly, bought two more pairs (for the same price) that are not hideously ugly, picked up Lemony Snicket's Unauthorized Autobiography and some actual useful domestic items, and came home. Successful shopping trips! They're a wonderful thing.
And then I actually opened the book I'd bought. DDDDDDD:
It has pages that look like this:
Or even like this:
. . . Look, world, Internet, universe at large, let me be perfectly clear here.
I came up with an epic bizarre crossover universe once that involved Battlestar Galactica, due South, and House of Leaves. I am done with that shit now. RDM probably Jossed it to hell in season 4, playing with it brought me nothing but trouble, I don't care any more. Right now, I'm playing with an entirely separate epic bizarre crossover universe that involves Hairspray and A Series of Unfortunate Events and possibly The Trolley to Yesterday.
THESE TWO THINGS DO NOT OVERLAP IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, UNIVERSE. There are many many things I don't need from my fandoms, and those things include spending my bus ride home wondering vaguely about things like whether houses might be built from emerald lumber and what the Great Unknown is and whether it might actually be the Baudelaires' house house or the Quagmires' or something. I refuse to get into this shit. No.
For one thing, I refuse to believe that Link Larkin and Ray Kowalski could ever exist in the same universe. Something would implode or explode or turn into a potted petunia.
Even the book I'm actually reading right now is talking about metamathematics and how some mathematical propositions have been proven unproveable, so we can't ever know whether they're true or not. So between that and all the fourth-wall warping going around, I'm not feeling too well right now. I think I might go lie down and quietly read something nice and soothing, like say a Stephen King novel.