I'm thinking about going back to school. As a person who flunked out of college (and is strangely proud of the fact) this is a slightly terrifying concept.
I really hate failure and last time I tried playing in the educational pool I failed pretty spectacularly.
Would any of you be willing to help me pick a class or two that would be both edifying and I would be likely to succeed at?
I have a low tolerance for bull and a tendency to be an arrogant prat. This makes me hated by a lot of professors. I would do better in a class taught by a forgiving soul.
Take a look at
http://continuingstudies.stanford.edu/course/department.asp and see if there are any classes you think would suit me.
I'm thinking about Fundamentals of Acting I (DRA 02)
http://continuingstudies.stanford.edu/course/DRA02.asp taught by Kay Kostopoulos. Anyone taken her classes?
There is a class on Nabakov taught by Mary Petrusewicz that looks interesting.
A class on statistics by Michael Walker could be fun.
In fact there are a whole bunch of classes that appeal. Wanna help me pick a couple?