Lots of 'mummy blogging' updates!

Jan 01, 2008 20:21

Ok, so I had a plan of ditching all this waffle to Blogger.  But Blogger just isn't playing with me today - so I'll post it here instead!

It’s been a great Christmas - spending time with my family, doing Christmassy things and generally relaxing after a hectic few days visiting Paul’s grandparents (although that was enjoyable too!).

Before Christmas we took Ellie on a Santa Cruise (run by York Boats) which was great. We took lots of pictures, but found our camera had gone missing when we got home. Luckily for us, someone found the camera in the village where we live, and seeing that there were pictures of a small girl took it to the local nursery (which Ellie attends) to see if they recognised anyone! Once Blogger starts working a bit quicker, I’ll post a few of them for you to see.

Ellie was also in the nursery nativity play (no photos of her as an angel though, as this was in the ‘lost camera’ period). It was incredible to see over 50 small (6 months to 4.5 years) children all sat in one place singing the ‘nursery rhyme nativity’ songs and carols. Just amazing.

The nativity play showed our lack of religious education for Ellie though. We’re ‘cultural christians’ rather than practicing Christians (if I practice anything it’s Buddhism - but that’s a much longer post for another day!). We appear to have skipped over some fundamentals though. One of the nativity songs has a line “you shall have a baby boy, and he shall be the son of God”   Ellie was singing “the son of good”, so I explained the word was God. “No that’s not a word, it’s GOOD - that’s a word” was her reply. Time for crash course in Christian belief system and a bible for bedtime reading!

Christmas Eve, she literally ran into bed when Google Earth showed Santa getting nearer (well, Ok, so Northern Africa isn’t that near, but her geography isn’t too good yet…!) And, best of all, due to the amazing , and fabulous bunny clock (not the one with the ears, the better one which shows bunny in bed and running in the park) she didn’t get up until 6.45am!!!!

Boxing Day, we took Ellie to see her first pantomime. She loved it. I was so proud of her, I was in tears by the end. Perfectly behaved. Waving a fibre optic wand in time to the music (and carefully putting it down to clap each time!). Really entering into the ‘oh yes it is, oh no it isn’t, it’s behind you” ness of it all. She even put down her unfinished ice-cream when the fire curtain was raised after the interval so she could join in some more!!!

New Years Eve was lovely. Two other families with small children came round, each bearing children’s night time clothes, alcohol and a course for the meal. We fed the children, put them to bed (they slept!!!!) and we ate an effortless, yet delicious meal -followed by Guitar Hero and board games (well, card games really). Just great. (but 7am - whilst incredible looking back at this time last year for Ellie getting up - was still too early when you don’t go to bed until 2am!) 
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