Title: Honey
Author: Lil
Fandom: Mutant X
Pairing: Emma/Shal
Rating: G
Status: New (02 July 2004); Complete
Feedback: I'd appreciate it.
Email address for feedback: cuspofqueens@yahoo.com
Series/sequel: None
Disclaimer: Mutant X and it's characters are not mine. I make no money off of this. I have no affiliation with Tribune. If there's something I've forgotten, it still stands that I didn't do whatever it is.
Additional Notes: This was written for Anne, to hold her over till I can finish Dark Slumber. It's short.
Honey. The way the gray dawn shifts and simmers, golden fingertips reaching out over the sky and bringing on the glory of a new day.
Honey. The stickiness lingering on her fingers, in her mouth. The seductive, intoxicating scent of the woman curled into her side, her head resting on Emma's shoulder.
Honey. Fingers trailing through long, soft hair; the color of a calico cat. That casually haphazard mix of warm reds and cool blondes. The soft, pliant body moving with hers as Emma shifts, turns to cover Shalimar, skin touching skin all along the length of her.
Honey. That slow, sweet smile good morning when brown eyes meet blue and lips brush teasingly against each other. A silent message sent, and recieved.
Honey. Intimate. Intoxicating. Perfect.