FIC: Comic Book Bedroom, Hotch/Reid, Rated G

Feb 28, 2011 10:15

Title: Comic Book Bedroom
Author: darkhawkhealer
Pairing: Hotch/Reid
Rating: G
Word Count: 1513
Summary: Jack's bedroom gets a makeover. Domestic fluff.

The sound of the front door opening and closing pulled Aaron from his work, in time to push back from his desk and catch the flying missile that landed on him with a resounding thump.

"Oof!" Strong arms closed around a small, squirming frame that hugged him back with equal fervor.

"Hi, Dad, hi!"

Aaron grinned. "Hey, buddy."

"We went to visit Miss JJ and Henry and we had lunch and it looked like yellow brains and Spencer hadta change Henry's diaper and then we put him down for a nap and Miss JJ said she sings to him but since her voice got stoled from talking too much we had to try only Spencer doesn't sing so we had to tell a story to get him to sleep and he told us about Alice and the looking glass and it was really cool and Henry has a yellow room and can I paint my room, Daddy? I want a red one with blue stripes and maybe a picture on the wall like Henry has only not of baby Winnie The Poohs, I want something really cool, can we Dad, if we're really careful? Spencer said he has a tart and a roller and we won't make a mess, we promise!"

Jack stopped to take in a great lungful of air and Aaron laughed, and tightened his arms briefly. He rocked from side to side in the chair and looked over to Reid where he stood in the doorway, with a small smile on his face.

"I take it you had fun?" Aaron asked dryly.

"JJ appreciated the company, at any rate."

"I don't think a red room is the best idea, buddy," Aaron answered, "But yes, we can look into options for painting your room."

"I don't want you to do it, I want Spencer to help me."

The mildly amused look dropped from Spencer's face, and he straightened quickly. "What? Jack, your dad can help you paint your room. We can all do it."

"No! Daddy is busy. He has to work and we have to be quiet and not bother him." The words held the painful familiarity of the often-heard, and Aaron closed his eyes against the painful knot of regret and bitterness that welled up in him.

"That's okay," Aaron overrode Spencer's protestations, opening his eyes and leveling a quiet look at him. "Jack and I would be very grateful if you would help him paint his room."

Spencer closed his mouth and nodded. "We promise not to make a mess."

Jack cheered and then raced out of the office, intent on looking for colors to paint his room. Spencer stepped into the room and closed the door most of the way, leaving it open just a crack so that they could hear any noises in the rest of the house.

"I'm sorry," he said, stepping closer.

"Don't be," Aaron stood up and met Spencer half-way, drawing him in for a quick brush of lips. "It's not something I can fix right away, but I'm working on it. It's just a long process."

"You're doing great."

"It doesn't always feel like it. I just have to hope Jack knows that I love him very much."

Spencer squeezed Aaron's hands. "He does. I can hear it in the way he talks about the things you do together."


For three weeks, it was all Jack could do to keep from vibrating off of his chair with excitement. He wouldn't say anything when Aaron asked, insisting that it was to be a surprise, and somehow he'd gotten Spencer to promise the same. No amount of kissing or cajoling could convince Spencer to give Aaron even a little hint about their secret. Aaron grumbled, but could admit to being pleased that his new lover and his son could share something with each other.

Finally, on Memorial Day weekend, Spencer woke Aaron with a languid kiss and a few quiet minutes alone before Jack knocked on the door, excited to start their secret project. He ran back to his apartment on Saturday morning and gathered paint and supplies, guarding the car until Jack 'locked' Aaron into his office. Aaron shook his head and focused on his work, occasionally coming back up to listen to the low murmur of voices and the carefree laughter that came from down the hall.

He was pulled from his work a few hours later by the knock on the door, surprised by the face that poked around it.

"Hey," Emily greeted. "We ordered pizza about twenty minutes ago, it should be here any minute."

Aaron rose and stretched, following Emily into the hall. "What are you doing here?"

She smiled a little sheepishly. "We heard about the super secret room, and it kind of turned into a team-building exercise."

"It turned into a team-building exercise without the team leader?"

Aaron shouldn't have been surprised to see Morgan passing out sodas as Jack set the paper plates onto the table. "That's a lot of pizza," he observed, eyeing the four boxes stacked up.

"Painting is hungry work!" Jack piped up, obviously parroting something someone else had said. "And we get to do it again tomorrow and Mr. Derek said we would have a cookout on Monday!"

"Oh, really?"

Morgan grinned. "A good friend pays a man in food for all that manual labor."

"By the way," Spencer said, "Rossi said he's reserved a spot for you at the golf course for tomorrow."

"Golfing?" Aaron looked at Jack, "Are you sure you don't want me to help even a little?"

"No, cause then you'll see it and you can't see it until it's done!"

Emily laughed. "Face it, Hotch, you're going golfing tomorrow."

"I guess so," he murmured, meeting Spencer's amused eyes across the table.


Golfing was fine. Dave and Aaron spent more time in the clubhouse, sipping scotch and shooting the breeze than they did actually out on the course, but the highlight of the weekend turned out to be the cookout.

JJ came, and Will and Henry hung out on the deck with Hotch, Dave and Morgan. Garcia stopped outside long enough to put her offerings on the table and steal a cupcake before joining Spencer, Jack and the girls inside.

It was certainly the quietest outdoor activity Aaron had taken part in since Jack was born. Eventually, he came rocketing down the stairs and crashing into Aaron's legs, bouncing and biting his lip in a heroic effort to keep very quiet.

"Are we eating before or after we see your new room?"

"Before," Emily announced, prying Jack away from Aaron and carrying him upside down to the table. "But we can have the dessert after," she compromised.

Everyone studiously ignored the six year-old's fidgeting as they ate and talked around the table, conversations ranging from baseball stats to office gossip. Finally, the last fork was set down and Jack looked to Spencer expectantly.



Jack popped up and grabbed for Aaron's hand, tugging. "C'mon, Dad, come see!"

Aaron grinned. "Without running, please, Jack."

Jack bounced. "Okay, but can we walk faster?"

The whole team trooped upstairs and crowded into the hallway when Jack turned and looked at the grown ups. "I am Jack, and this is my room!"

He opened the door and led them inside, jumping on his bed and grinning at the noises of appreciation everyone made.

The room was painted a deep blue color, with red stripes along the ceiling and baseboards. White stars littered the red, and large framed prints hung on the walls. Captain America in front of the flag on one wall, and a traditional Iron Man on the opposite wall. Across from Jack's bed was Captain America's shield, Aaron stepped closer to examine it and saw hints of Iron Man's 'heart' fading in and around it as well.

"This isn't mass produced," he noted.

"Nope," Garcia responded, a hint of pride in her voice. "I know a Deviant."

"I'm sure you do," Dave murmured wickedly, earning himself nudges and pokes from the girls.

"This is a nice room, JackJack."

"Thank you, Miss Em'ly."

"It's a very nice room," Aaron agreed, reaching out to ruffle Jack's hair. He looked over at to where Spencer leaned against an Iron Man light plate. "You guys did a great job."

Spencer smiled. "Next time, you're definitely getting drafted."

"Do you like it?" Jack asked again, "You like it, right?"

"I like it," Aaron confirmed.

"Woohoo!" Garcia threw up her hands. "Now let's go celebrate with lemonade pie!"

Jack's eyes grew wide and he was off like a shot. "PIE!"

Aaron shook his head as he and Spencer waited for everyone to follow Jack out. "He's going to crash so hard later."

Spencer stepped closer and licked his lips, glancing around the room in satisfaction. "But he'll have a nice room to do it in."

"Yes, he will." Aaron reached out and pulled Spencer in for a lingering kiss. "Thank you for this."

Spencer grinned. "Thank me later. You have guests now."


pairing: hotch/reid, fandom: criminal minds

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