To my readers (all seven of you),
By now, I'm sure everyone's heard of the earthquake that hit Haiti a little over two days ago. Relief efforts are underway from all quarters of the world, and greater fandom is stepping up to help as well.
help_haiti is a fandom community dedicated to raising money for relief efforts. People are offering to write fanfiction, to create graphics, to beta stories, to make fanmixes and all sorts of art, all for donations to charities in Haiti.
I'm doing my part. This is an auction. I'm offering a story between 3,000 and 5,000 words in length, for the fandom and pairing of your choosing. Bidding starts at $10USD, and the auction closes around noon, January 20th. The story would go up sometime around Valentine's Day.
If you like my writing, and you're interested in a story by me, perhaps you can find it in you to bid/donate to the cause. Every little bit helps. =)
Thank you,