
Aug 06, 2008 12:15

A skill I've picked up over the years working insurance sales is shifting my voice to suit the person I'm speaking with. Different tones and inflections for different sorts. I speak differently to an older lady than I do to a newly retired man, for example. It fits what they expect and respond best to. My shapeshifter gene at work again.

I've just noticed that I've developed a 'boss man' voice. I hadn't even thought about it, it just came from the position. I realize its what I'd expect to hear from someone in control potentially offering a job to someone if they are worthy of it, which is they type of call I've been making lately. I noticed it because its a much deeper baratone than my normal conversational tenor, and then figured out where it came from.

I ran my first new agent training orientation this week, 2 days. I've seen this sort of thing done many times, never tried it myself. I suprised myself again with how how much I had to say on sales training process. I also managed to keep control of of a room of very chatty and bossy agents who have been at this a lot longer than I, but when I decided it was time to get back to task the room was mine in an instant. Their attentive silence when I realized I did have things to teach them afterall was something to experience.

I'm so for managing a good appearance of connecting with them and showing that I'm not an asshole, that I'm a lot like them, yet retaining authority and demonstrating why I have the skills to be in the position I am. A tricky balance that I'll have to keep an eye on. They seem to like me, and I've already had some hysterics to soothe. I only expect more as we go.

I don't know what's weirder, what I'm doing or that I'm doing it well. Its still all very new to me, but I think I may finally be in the right place for my current skill set.

Now its just a matter of getting them all appointed and licensed so they can produce and I can finally start getting some pay myself, and I might start digging back out of the hole I've been in financially. Its quite about time for that.
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