No, I'm not calling you a hippopotamus.

Apr 25, 2005 14:52

St. Augustine of Hippo. African guy, bishop. Heard of him?

So I keep hearing quotes from him all over the place--primarily from some of the more liberal Catholics I talk to.

Here's a paraphrase of the translation some other guy quoted (which means it probably has little left by the St. A, but hopefully it's close enough):

"God gives us many gifts. We take from those gifts that which we need, and the rest belongs to others. Whatever we take from the gifts we are given beyond what we need is stealing from someone else."


"Let us not call charity that which is really justice."

And there are many others that keep surprising me. Would anyone be interested in doing a joint reading of St. Augustine?

I'm not sure what would be good to start with. The famous ones are "Confessions" and "City of God" but others include "Christian Doctrine" and many sermons and letters that would be shorter. If someone is interested in joining me in reading this and discussing in a forum like this, comment. I can be steered in different directions regarding this, but I think City of God or Christian Doctrine interest me most--I never read Confessions but I've been around so many who have that I feel like I've already read it.
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