New Haven... not just the city, the state of mind. (ish)

Jun 08, 2009 02:41

The transition, I'm happy to say, is nearly complete. Its been a week since I moved into my Sublet down in New Haven, and I've had a lot of fun hanging out in this area.

Why did I do this? My job at ESPN ended, and I was able to snag a general PA (and hopefully behind the scenes/dvd extras vignette editor) position with a Central CT Independent film making crew that is starting principal shooting in Hamden CT at the end of this month. Since I left my job at ESPN, I didn't need to be in Bristol anymore, and have garnered a good amount of friends in the New Haven area. That, and (principally) the movie drew me to seek a temporary housing sitchu in New Haven.

I am, as always, continuing to seek full time (hell...or Part Time!) Work in the TV industry, basically anywhere around CT, MA or NY. I'm very open to going wherever I'm needed, but I really, really like the Northeast, for now. Who knows what will come in the future, but for now. I like where I am.

Thanks to all those who knew of my situation and helped me move, offered me support, and encouragement during these past few weeks. Everything was greatly appreciated as life was a bit tumultuous, and continues to be. Your support, guidance and overall friendship were invaluable and very much needed.

Looking very forward to seeing what this New Haven experience brings. Should be a heckuva summer!!

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