Mice Distrubution

Dec 16, 2004 16:44

Well, I have become a salesman of mice. After having Napolean/C.C(Cervical Cancer)/Won ton/The Black One and Stir-fry at school most of the week Christina and Bobbie decided they wanted one or two. I might add that Lauren also wanted one but since I'm not willing to part with either of mine she goes mouseless but if circumstances change and I have to give them up she is the first candidate. Christina accidently got given Stir-fry, who I might add is the most adorable mouse in the world and hopefully she brings her tommorow or I will kill myself. Bobbie was given the only male of the litter that I have named (eventhough Bobbie rejected the name) Dipstick for the white at the tip of his tale and the fact I found him raping the other mice. Shame. Shame. Well, I miss Stir-fry and that is all on the rodent front.

Alright, first what is with homophobia? When you think major break throughs have ocurred shit disturbers, like Ralph Klein get in your way. On the bus a few day's ago I heard these highschool kids from Ainlay discuss the gay people in their school. I know of two of the people they brought up and I almost turned around and told them to fuck off, and that they have no right to judge others on a stereotype and how they could be riding the bus with one of those "sick homo's" or sitting beside an "ass fucker" at any time so what makes them feel so confident in bashing a group of people. Not many people would make rude remarks about a pakistany when one is sitting right nest to them, now would they? I was miffed and I felt like punching them for making fun of Laurel's friend, Michael and the remark about the goth chick almost made me chuck my cd player at them. BASTARDS! BASTARDS! FUCKING FUCKERS! but back to business people like Ralph just fuel my miserable demeanor at times and it's easy to throw punches at him as so many people do anyway. People are ignorant, and that is the end. You, the government, and your parents do it to you. Others fill you with presumptions and what the fuck are these morons, they are humans. We have all commited this crime once or twice, someone spoke of how this girl was such a slut and it turns out she just doesn't like relationships and doesn't even fit the defintion of a slut. When the presumption involves throwing bricks at someone we have, I think, I severe case of idiocracy. I mean, fuck people, do you have a mind of your own?

Then there is the other side of this cycle, the hateful homo's. Bitter filled and spiteful.
What do they do? They react to this hate with hatred of their own which in turn just fuels the hate on the other side. Homosexual people, are just that, people! We are no bigger, no better, no stronger than heterosexuals. I think of alot of us are brought to believe we are superhuman after awhile of being pushed down . Alot of gay's, I find, can be the worst martyrs in the world and some thrive in it. Not that all of you are but...I have the experinces and I could quote things from various people. The term dyke and bitter seem to go together naturally now. We all can be bitter, we all can be hatefull but directing that hate towards the heteros because they are "ass fucks" and are "stupid" is just RETARDED!!!! Your dumb for saying that. Look people, the only way to stop all this is to stand up and be the bigger man. Don't make rude comments back to some "ass fuck" just be calm, your only giving in to their stereotype when you scream and yell and look at them like they are the devil. We are not seperated, we seperate ourselves.

I hate homphobia but with for example, my cousins, I just asked them why homo's are so bad? There only response was "because they are" and they realized the stupidity of that statement, I am sure. That is all you can do and it DOES make a big difference never fool yourself into thinking otherwise.

and Fuck, I know I say this far too much but, I WANT TO KILL RALPH KLEIN!!!
There are other fucking things he could be doing other than disabling a small percentage of peoples's right to marry. FOR FUCKS SAKE! He is not a smart man. Has any of his loyal followers ever considered; oh wait that would be going outside their fucking little boxed world, but seriously has anyone ever thought that Ralph isn't even responsible for the good changes that happened in Alberta under his "rule". He is not a bright man and he will do what any lazy ass, ignorant, bastard of the system would do and get some advice. I mean come on people, do you seriously think Hitler, Napolean, or Mussolini just randomly came up with ideas, they were inspired by something or someone but what about someone just giving them the answer? I personally think Ralph Klein is one of these presumptious "ass fucks" that lacks perpective and in as much an intelligent mind along with. Instead of getting people off AISH, he should be refining the system but come on people, that is too comlicated. The simple route is abolish, abolish, abolish and as all of his loyalists are simpletons, I shall admit we are being overrun with a phazed society. ARE YOU ALL ON DRUGS!
Get off your asses and put that god damn thing upstairs to use!

Should either: go away or start distributing it's profits within are borders.
None of this low wages shit. I want to see a full time employee, make at least 12 an hour, not 8. Walmart for alot of people is actually where they work, the end, there is no school afterwork or anything, it's the end and no it will never be their beginning because wage increases are few and far between, along with benefits.

All profit goes to the states. Walmart has taken out small towns like a dog eats kibble. Main streets go deserted and what are we left with, nothing excpet a Walmart execcutive telling us it's time to stop living in the past. Ok, the past is are future, dumbass and I'm only willing to take that bullshit as long as Canada's aconomy is growing due to are stupidity in allowing Walmart in.

Offcourse there is always the idea of sweatshops and the pregnant pakistany woman and shoeless orphan working in one but regardless of that, it just show's how dumb are government really is, how can anyone NOT SHOP at walmart, they have the lowest prices and alot of people make incomes that allow them to support little. People in Alberta are becoming poorer and poorer, well I'm not so sure but from what I've noticed it seems true. (by the way, go visit B.C., the communitys are quite a bit different.) Does Walmart help us become richer? NO. Are the poeple going to be aware of Walmart long term harmful effects? NO! Is there a new's paper article denouncing Walmart in the paper every day? offcourse not! But there are plenty arguing Bush's intelligence and Ralph's actions or how horrible it was that little Cindy got hit by a truck. We need to start being informed of major issues not what happened on survivor last night and Walmart is a major issue. Frankly, shut up about Bush, overanalyzing him isn't getting us anywhere, were not even american.

AND FOR THE SAKE OF ALL THAT IS RIGHT!!!! Go see a play or a musical or a orchestra. I would love to go to these things myself, if I wasn't poorer than dirt but please, my fellow sapiens go and think for once in your god for saken rat race of a life. I love Vic for that, people that go to play's. Offcourse you could argue it's the pretentious thing to do but what's pretentious? What if that girl like's starbucks coffee? Your pretentious because of the reason's you choose to do something not neccesarily because of things you choose to do...duh...but anyway, the arts in a society and how much they thirve tend to show how well of the economy is, if I have that right and if t.v. is replacing the art's I will kill myself on top of the telus tower right now.

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