Title: On Numbers
Rating: G
Pairing: All or any or none.
At one past twenty-three hour (eleven somewhere else) you sink into bed, close your eyes and count your sheep-you count for nine minutes before you realize that you’re still only at fifteen somehow, somehow the night is inexplicably slow (or life is, inexplicable, slow, since-) so you sink deeper into bed when it sinks into you that it will be the fourteenth of August again (-he left, and she’s to your right, breathing carefully, skin flushed and soft and warm in all the right places) and you try to remember what you were doing on this day last year; you think it was probably easier to dream then because (it had to have been) the next time you open your eyes it’s already 7:22 and you don’t know how many sheep you had caught or if sleep had caught you at all.