Dec 06, 2005 18:18
Apart from the lack of sleep (certain flatmates were up into the small hours making noise) the state of the kitchen when I went down to try and make my breakfast and packed lunch really got on my nerves. So much so that, as soon as he got in the car, Chris asked what was wrong. The conversation after that cheered me up a bit.
Tutor group and my class time were fine. Marking homework in my free periods was okay. Writing up the lesson plans in my free periods was okay. Fifth period (another of my frees) my mentor asked me to come along and go over my lesson plans with her and, once again told me I should be using the school's lesson plans, not the university's. The last time she mentioned this I took it up with my method tutor from the university and he told me that I should be using the university's plans, not the school's and my mentor knew that. Now I'm just utterly confused and can see the only way round this being to do two sets of plans: one in the school's format for the school and one in the university's format for my method tutor.
Once I'd finished what I had to do in my last free period, sixth, I went over to the staff base and had a game of chess with John. Well, three games of chess atually and he beat me hands down every time! In fact, in the first game, he beat me in three moves! That's only happened once before, when Uncle Charlie was teaching me how to play.
We had a seminar after that, on the proper use of teaching assistants, which was useful but dragged on a bit. I was really tired when we left. We stopped off at the square to post Jen's card and I parked the car very squint then bumped into another random Scottish person when asking them where the post box was when it was basically right behind the car! This gave Chris plenty of ammunition to tease me with, which he did. He did manage to make me laugh properly for the first time all day though so hey: the boy has his uses!
I could do with some more cheering up now, though: when I got back to the house, the door handle had managed to get half unscrewed (not sure how that happened) on my bedroom door, the kitchen was worse than it had been in the morning (I have now cleaned and removed my knives and all my cooking utensils - if people can't look after them, then they don't get to use them, simple as that) and the bin is overflowing and I can't lift it and I refuse to remove half of everyone eles rubbish in order to put the bin out when there are three boys in this house who are perfectly capable of doing it themselves, one of whom never does and never cleans up properly and he's the one that fills the bin so much and makes so much mess in the first place.