Writer's Meme: Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Snagged from
Agh, I can only pick five?! *whittles list ruthlessly*
*whittles more*
Okay, got it!
Venom Our Name Is. This is my only published piece featuring the Spider-Man villain Venom - I was working on an alternate origin story, because the character has such amazing potential if he's not tied down to being Complex Evil just so Spidey can be Morally Conflicted, and this is the tag.
I love it because it's adorable (if I say so myself) and because I got my two biggest compliments ever on it. One was "This actually makes me care about Venom a little" - which is exactly what I set out to do. The other referred to my note at the end thanking, among other people, Adam-Troy Castro for inspiration; it talked a bit about how cool he is, then said "You can tell who his fans are, and I see that a little bit in this." *dies of the awesome all over again*
The Hitchhiker's Guide to MacGyver was my first, and I still think my best, utter crackfic. It's the story people keep favoriting, almost two years after I wrote it, and the one that inadvertently started me on the long road to Wholigan-ness. (I have no idea why I was even reading Douglas Adams in the first place, but one of my reviewers mentioned his work on Who, and I began cautiously investigating... slippery slope, that. *big grin*)
Restless, my very first LJ fic and my second MFU piece, is still one of my favorites. I'm still just beginning to learn how to evoke emotions with sensory description, but I think I did well here.
Liaison Poetique, of course, was my birthday gift to my flist last year. It was originally inspired by my discovery that Ai, laurië lantar lassi surinen sounds really, really good in a Russian accent. *g*
(Well, it does. It'd sound even better with our David reciting it, instead of my half-baked impersonation, but there is not a recording.)
5: And
In a Strange Land is my take on the oft-repeated "newbie!Illya makes a friend" story. Like my other entries on this list, it's short and adorable and a little bit different. ;-)
And that's five! There's also my remix-challenge fic coming up next week, which I'm rather glad isn't published yet... I had a hard enough time whittling this list down as it is! ♥