The virus responsible for fandom LOLs has recently mutated, becoming extremely contagious. This is shown by its rapid transmission from Bedh to me to the lovely
illyushadarling , who provided both the caption and the pic for today's first LOLIllya!
There is also another mutant strain of this virus going the rounds, which involves captioning fandom pictures with passages of poetry. The only confirmed case on my flist thus far is
lothithil (who has been proven incurable), but I'm definitely showing symptoms - see today's bonus image. (Caption for this one from a Monkees song, actually.)
Luckily, both these virus strains are generally nonfatal, and so far have proven harmful only to those with a deficient sense of humor; however, if you notice symptoms... post them! (Or hand them off to me - I don't mind. Or if they're Mac/Gate related, to Beth.)