New Doctor Who season premiere!

Apr 04, 2010 13:40

Well, first things first - a very happy Easter to everyone on my flist that celebrates it! (And even if you don't celebrate Easter, I hope you have a happy day anyway. We can all use one, ya think?)

Next: for the first time in my life, I am watching a TV show that's still on the air, and even better than that... I'm getting to watch it before it comes out on DVD! *happy*

The show in question, of course, is Doctor Who. I have "magically acquired" the new series premiere, thanks to the wonderful eponymous_rose, and so there is a very squeeful long spoileriffic reaction post under the cut.

General stuff first, even though I'm writing it last.

1) We really don't know what Matty boy will be like yet, but I'd be willing to bet that in a few years when we come back and watch "The Eleventh Hour", we'll all be amazed by the transition from Ten in Eleven's body to proper Eleven himself - just as I always am when I watch "Spearhead from Space", by the transformation from Two with his polarity just been reversed (watch the scene with the Brig and the shoes, that's totally Two) to Three at the end in the lab.

(Also, Matt moves kind of like Two. Only younger and a lot taller, and thank goodness he hasn't got a face like a basset puppy. And did I just not notice, or has he finally learned to un-cuff his trousers?)

2) Amy looks hopeful. Much better than Rose at any rate, but that doesn't take much doing, for me. And the Scottish accent is awesome, or would be if I could enjoy it properly - I can't actually hear a Scottish accent unless I'm concentrating on it. (Yup, it's weird.)

3) Rory is sort of shamblingly nice. He reminds me physically of Gilligan, almost. That's not a bad thing. And if he and Amy actually wind up getting married... I will be quite happy. One of the big reasons I hate Rose is that people act like it's so awesome how she totally ignored poor tin-dog Mickey, who actually loved her, once this manic stranger came on the scene. (And Mickey was a really good tin dog once he grew up a bit. Yes, I prefer Mickey to Rose. But that's not what this post is about.)

4) THE NEW TARDIS INTERIOR OH MY GOSH. I saw the Radio Times stills stunt_muppet linked a few days ago and meant to squee about it then, but the filmed version is even better. She's so beautifully alive! And... *gurgles* Just everything. Everything. My gosh.

You thought I had TARDIS!squee before? Just watch me now!!! =DDDD

Random Notes:

The rest of this is what I wrote down while I was watching the ep. With time stamps and all. Just random commentary.

"So this is me making random squeeful notes on Doctor Who series Fnarg.1 “The Eleventh Hour”. (Yes, I am going with the jokingly proposed “Series Fnarg” numbering. Shorter than “Series 31/5/1”, which looks a bit like some kind of bizarre British reference to a date in 1931.


That may sound like the kind of thing one could take as read when watching Who, but… are y'all familiar with this book? It’s a proposed scientific explanation for the Bermuda Triangle disappearances, involving an “electronic fog” and time distortions. And “time tunnels” that LOOK EXACTLY LIKE THE NEW VORTEX OHMIGOSH. *devolves into incoherent sci-fi fangirl squee*

4:55 The TARDIS now canonically has a library! I don’t know if that was ever done before (I really know a lot less about Who than I act like I do), but now I am very very happy. Because seriously, the TARDIS is too awesome not to have a library. Also perhaps we will see it sometime!!!! *grin*

(Also the swimming pool is in the library. I love the TARDIS.)

5:20 Spitting up Vortex again? Not really impressed. But the twinkle in his eyes when he says “I’m still cooking”! I am now very hopeful that Eleven will become one of my three favorite Doctors (there’s a spot open after Three, if he can kick Nine out of it...)

9:15 Okay, the food sequence was a bit too long, I thought. But the line “Box falls out of the sky, man falls out of box, man eats fish custard”? BRILLIANT. (Oops, there goes the caps lock again. *g*)

[ETA: Someone pointed out on a review that the whole food sequence is reminiscent of "Tiggers don't like haycorns" from Winnie the Pooh. Which makes me like it rather better, I guess.]

10:30 This is me stopping to squee awkwardly about Matty boy’s hands because I need to pull my head out of the show and stop thinking about the big crack in our upstairs wall. But he does have lovely hands. And Steven Moffat is rather a genius.

11:30 Where he holds out his hand for Amy to take? I would so take this Doctor’s hand. Pretty good after ten minutes; I don’t think I’d even take Three’s hand ten minutes after I met him.

13:00 Okay, you know they're doing something right when a staircase gives you S&S flashbacks…

14:15 *melts* I so love guys who love kids. And Matt Smith definitely does.

16:50 Hospital? Or so I gather from spoilers… but the first thing my brain said was “Arkham Asylum?!”

22:35 Ooh, squiggly sort of anglerfish-moray-monster thing with goop on! Rather better than the usual run of CGI on this show. [And yes, it did scare me. When it opened its mouth really wide like it was going to eat Amy's head.]

30:00 They have a guy taller than Matt? Wow. (Also, though I didn’t write it down when it happened: that dog handler was really REALLY amazing. The Brits may not be much at SFX but they do have good actors.)

36:15 Spiky Lego snowflake with an eyeball in! What I said about British special effects. =D

39:00 Car with steering wheel on the right! (Yes, I notice weird things. Hey, I’m American. *g*) And Rory kind of scuttles when he runs. It’s funny.

40:15 “Look at your screens - whoever I am, I’m a genius. Look at the sun - you need all the help you can get.” This Doctor is smart.

42:45 “I’ve commandeered a vehicle.” And you are definitely having fun driving it with all the sirens going, too. What a boy. Pull Bessie out of storage for me while you’re at it, why don’t you? ;-)

45:00 “Time-Lord.” And he doesn’t even blink. I like this Doctor.

52:30 Someone has pointed out that Rory is holding a rather familiar purplish velvet jacket here. *silly little fangirl grin*

58:10 The snappy-fingers thing? Works so much better with Eleven than Ten. Ten was all sort of “I am a Lord of Time and I can make you open your doors”; Eleven is more “Hey, old girl… let us in, will you?” *huggles Doctor/TARDIS OTP-ness*

60:00 Ohhhhh… the new TARDIS is SO RIGHT. Yes, I am caps-locking again; she’s… she’s brilliant, and fantastic, and SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And don’t worry, Amy lass - she’ll warm up to you. Eventually. *squee*)

I gather the “Coming Soon” is for the whole new season. (Was this that other trailer I never did get around to watching, or is it new with the eppie?) And, ooh… I still love the new Vortex. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

new who, doctor who, reaction post

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