New Doctor Who trailer!

Jan 03, 2010 11:30

Okay, I have a squeeful analysis of the trailer for the new series of Doctor Who. Due to my temperamental computer, I can't actually embed the video, but the copy I watched is here (hope that works, I'm not so great with YouTube URLs.)

Very long, very spoilery, very squeeful shot-by-shot remarks under the cut...

- Was he talking to the TARDIS right there at the beginning? Because that would be awesome. Doctor/TARDIS interaction FTW! (Guessing that’s right before the big New Interior Reveal, but I could be wrong. Also, looks like they’re on a playground - see the swingset at the left?)

- Slamming the doors open. Does that look to anyone else like he’s being escorted into a police station with his hands up? This would go well with a filming still I saw of Amy Pond/Karen Gillian grabbing him by the necktie; maybe the first time they meet, she arrests him!

Flashlight. He makes some really funny faces. But the hands are still great.

- Any Brits on my flist? Do you happen to know if the red phone booth that blows up is contemporary? I heard a suggestion that Amy Pond, the new companion, could be from the 1980s and I'm looking for clues that might support or disprove that.

He looks like he’s having fun when the DT!sonic blows up.

- Is that River Song/Alex Kingston in fatigues on the Dramatic Zoom(tm) at 0:09?

Lady with a pair of phasers and a sari at 0:10 looks like an interesting character. I like the way Matt and Amy duck in unison.

- Location where Matt punches labcoat!guy looks like a gov’t branch office of the dingy variety - two uniforms and a flag. Is Amy looking at a laptop on the right? Eleven looks to me like he totally didn’t mean to punch the guy, but how do you do an uppercut like that without meaning to?

Caves! Looks like this goes with the first flashlight shot… I see a dude in fatigues and lots of stone statues. And Matt!Doctor and fatigues!dude both look rather awed.

Wow, they really did trash the brown suit rather thoroughly, didn’t they?

- Is it just me, or does the black girl surrounded by vampires at 0:15 look a bit like Freema? (I've seen those vampires described as "tudorbethan", fun word btw, but my sister doesn’t agree. She said “with a parasol and gloves?” More likely Georgian/Victorian with weird out-of-period wimples. Or it could be a lovely multi-period mashup in the grand tradition of Who... *mutters about Victoria Waterfield's dress in the Evil of the Daleks promo shots*)

At first I thought the thing other people have called a “scary clown mask” was Davros, but now I don't think so. Bit more on that further down.

Smashing camo!Daleks with a giant wrench while Amy looks on. (Was that a giant wrench?)

Surprise!snog… ooh, is wearing his sleeves cuffed up going to be a regular thing? Me likey! (Also, is that a TARDIS door in the background, and is Amy wearing a red riding hood?)

0:18 That’s the second time we’ve seen that guy in plaid with Amy - he was in the sonic!boom shot. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

Cluttered yellow back hall - that’s not the psychic paper in his hand, right? Anyone recognize the lady in blue? I'm not much with faces.

0:19 I think I've seen those referred to as redesigned Silurians; that should be interesting. The one in the back looks a bit anime. (Also, if the gun with the cymbal on the front turns out to be a sonic anything, you heard it here first.)

- Hammock shot - wait, we finally get to see somebody fixing the console from the room underneath? SQUEEEEEE!!! (Because that’s totally what it looks like to me. Ya think?)

0:21 More Dalek POV. Ooh, redesigned! Shiny white, with black trim and longer ears. Looks a bit stormtrooper.

- 0:22 Three guys in cloaks with wind-up keys hanging around their necks. Bit of a no-brainer that we’re getting more robots, then. (I’d hazard a guess, given the carnival background, that we are getting killer clown robots. Did somebody say that already?)

Skinny vampire dude doing sword tricks. Somebody suggested that Matt!Doc and Robert Pattinson should have a hair-off, but this vampire doesn't have enough hair for that...

- 0:24 That somehow looks like a guy in drag to me. Anyone?

Little boy running in an old graveyard. From the Weeping Angels ep, I’d not be surprised to learn.

Fatigues!dude from cave shot with fatigues!River. I suspect River’s going to make a habit of being on dangerous archaeological expeditions in places the Doctor happens to turn up. (Personally, I want her to turn out to be the canon equivalent of Lumley!Thirteen from Curse of Fatal Death. But I doubt that's happening.)

0:28 River tackling Matt!Doc outside the TARDIS. With the door partly open! At 0:29, I get a peek of something hatstand-ish and lots of shiny sheet metal, possibly over the old coral-style walls.

Isn’t that the courtyard from “Tooth and Claw”? Sort of Elizabethan clothes, but what a ruff!!

- I really like his look at 0:39. Very sort of Doctorish. (Also, random: I see a car coming up in the background.)

0:43 He’s aiming that gun, not just firing it in the air to get people’s attention or whatnot, as I've seen suggested. Wonder what he's shooting at.

- At the end… is he talking to Little!Amy, or somebody else? (Either way, he’s obviously so awesome with kids. Which is a major squee-factor for me, and one that’s never been done much in Who.) He’s still in trashed DT clothes, so it’s early on.

tl;dr: Okay, I am so looking forward to Eleven!

doctor who, eleven, trailer

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