So, there are a few reasons I've started this livejournal. 1, To display my smecksay smecksy iconage. 2. To join many many communities 3. BECAUSE I BE COOL
So here comes an icon MEGA POST.
so how does everyone do this?
Rules -Comment if taking. -please give credit. -textless icons are not bases.
[001-027] AAA (ATTACK ALL AROUND) [028-046] Morning Musume [047-055] Alexis Bledel [056-062] SHINee [063-090] Genso Suikoden [091-097] Super Junior [098-109] Azama 'Mew' Myuu [110-114] JYONGRI [115-123] NEWS [124] Rugrats [125] Resident Evil [126] Jon & Kate plus 8 [127] Final Fantasy